Lemma 42.52.1. In Situation 42.50.1 assume E|_{X \setminus Z} is zero. Then
and so on where the products are taken in the algebra A^{(1)}(Z \to X) of Remark 42.34.7.
Lemma 42.52.1. In Situation 42.50.1 assume E|_{X \setminus Z} is zero. Then
and so on where the products are taken in the algebra A^{(1)}(Z \to X) of Remark 42.34.7.
Proof. The statement makes sense because the zero sheaf has rank < 1 and hence the classes c_ p(Z \to X, E) are defined for all p \geq 1. The result itself follows immediately from the more general Lemma 42.49.6 as the localized Chern classes where defined using the procedure of Lemma 42.49.1 in Section 42.50. \square
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