Lemma 42.52.2. In Situation 42.50.1 let Y \to X be locally of finite type and c \in A^*(Y \to X). Then
in A^*(Y \times _ X Z \to X).
Lemma 42.52.2. In Situation 42.50.1 let Y \to X be locally of finite type and c \in A^*(Y \to X). Then
in A^*(Y \times _ X Z \to X).
Proof. This follows from Lemma 42.49.5. More precisely, let
be as in the proof of Lemma 42.50.2. By definition c_ p(Z \to X, E) = c'_ p(Q) as bivariant operations where the right hand side is the bivariant class constructed in Lemma 42.49.1 using W, b, Q, T'. By Lemma 42.49.5 we have P'_ p(Q) \circ c = c \circ P'_ p(Q), resp. c'_ p(Q) \circ c = c \circ c'_ p(Q) in A^*(Y \times _ X Z \to X) and we conclude. \square
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