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The Stacks project

Example 45.11.1. Let k = \mathbf{C} and F = \mathbf{C} both be equal to the field of complex numbers. For X smooth projective over k denote H^{p, q}(X) = H^ q(X, \Omega ^ p_{X/k}). Let (H')^* be the functor which sends X to (H')^*(X) = \bigoplus H^{p, q}(X) with the usual cup product. This is a classical Weil cohomology theory (insert future reference here). By Proposition 45.7.11 we obtain a \mathbf{Q}-linear symmetric monoidal functor G' from M_ k to the category of graded F-vector spaces. Of course, in this case for every M in M_ k the value G'(M) is naturally bigraded, i.e., we have

(G')(M) = \bigoplus (G')^{p, q}(M),\quad (G')^ n = \bigoplus \nolimits _{n = p + q} (G')^{p, q}(M)

with (G')^{p, q} sitting in total degree p + q as indicated. Now we are going to construct a \mathbf{Q}-linear symmetric monoidal functor G to the category of graded F-vector spaces by setting

G^ n(M) = \bigoplus \nolimits _{n = 3p - q} (G')^{p, q}(M)

We omit the verification that this defines a symmetric monoidal functor (a technical point is that because we chose odd numbers 3 and -1 above the functor G is compatible with the commutativity constraints). Observe that G(\mathbf{1}(1)) is still sitting in degree -2! Hence by Lemma 45.7.9 we obtain a functor H^*, cycle classes \gamma , and trace maps satisfying all classical axioms (A), (B), (C), except for possibly the classical axioms (A)(a) and (A)(d). However, if E is an elliptic curve over k, then we find \dim H^{-1}(E) = 1, i.e., axiom (A)(a) is indeed violated.

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