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Lemma 50.15.2. Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let Y \subset X be an effective Cartier divisor. Assume the de Rham complex of log poles is defined for Y \subset X over S. There is a canonical short exact sequence of complexes

0 \to \Omega ^\bullet _{X/S} \to \Omega ^\bullet _{X/S}(\log Y) \to \Omega ^\bullet _{Y/S}[-1] \to 0

Proof. Our assumption is that for every y \in Y and local equation f \in \mathcal{O}_{X, y} of Y we have

\Omega _{X/S, y} = \mathcal{O}_{X, y}\text{d}f \oplus M \quad \text{and}\quad \Omega ^ p_{X/S, y} = \wedge ^{p - 1}(M)\text{d}f \oplus \wedge ^ p(M)

for some module M with f-torsion free exterior powers \wedge ^ p(M). It follows that

\Omega ^ p_{Y/S, y} = \wedge ^ p(M/fM) = \wedge ^ p(M)/f\wedge ^ p(M)

Below we will tacitly use these facts. In particular the sheaves \Omega ^ p_{X/S} have no nonzero local sections supported on Y and we have a canonical inclusion

\Omega ^ p_{X/S} \subset \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(Y)

see More on Flatness, Section 38.42. Let U = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) be an affine open subscheme such that Y \cap U = V(f) for some nonzerodivisor f \in A. Let us consider the \mathcal{O}_ U-submodule of \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(Y)|_ U generated by \Omega ^ p_{X/S}|_ U and \text{d}\log (f) \wedge \Omega ^{p - 1}_{X/S} where \text{d}\log (f) = f^{-1}\text{d}(f). This is independent of the choice of f as another generator of the ideal of Y on U is equal to uf for a unit u \in A and we get

\text{d}\log (uf) - \text{d}\log (f) = \text{d}\log (u) = u^{-1}\text{d}u

which is a section of \Omega _{X/S} over U. These local sheaves glue to give a quasi-coherent submodule

\Omega ^ p_{X/S} \subset \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(\log Y) \subset \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(Y)

Let us agree to think of \Omega ^ p_{Y/S} as a quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-module. There is a unique surjective \mathcal{O}_ X-linear map

\text{Res} : \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(\log Y) \to \Omega ^{p - 1}_{Y/S}

defined by the rule

\text{Res}(\eta ' + \text{d}\log (f) \wedge \eta ) = \eta |_{Y \cap U}

for all opens U as above and all \eta ' \in \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(U) and \eta \in \Omega ^{p - 1}_{X/S}(U). If a form \eta over U restricts to zero on Y \cap U, then \eta = \text{d}f \wedge \eta ' + f\eta '' for some forms \eta ' and \eta '' over U. We conclude that we have a short exact sequence

0 \to \Omega ^ p_{X/S} \to \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(\log Y) \to \Omega ^{p - 1}_{Y/S} \to 0

for all p. We still have to define the differentials \Omega ^ p_{X/S}(\log Y) \to \Omega ^{p + 1}_{X/S}(\log Y). On the subsheaf \Omega ^ p_{X/S} we use the differential of the de Rham complex of X over S. Finally, we define \text{d}(\text{d}\log (f) \wedge \eta ) = -\text{d}\log (f) \wedge \text{d}\eta . The sign is forced on us by the Leibniz rule (on \Omega ^\bullet _{X/S}) and it is compatible with the differential on \Omega ^\bullet _{Y/S}[-1] which is after all -\text{d}_{Y/S} by our sign convention in Homology, Definition 12.14.7. In this way we obtain a short exact sequence of complexes as stated in the lemma. \square

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