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Lemma 15.79.5. Let R be a Noetherian regular ring of finite dimension. Then R is a strong generator for the full subcategory D_{perf}(R) \subset D(R) of perfect objects.

Proof. We will use that an object K of D(R) is perfect if and only if K is bounded and has finite cohomology modules, see Lemma 15.74.14. Strong generators of triangulated categories are defined in Derived Categories, Definition 13.36.3. Let d = \dim (R).

Let K \in D_{perf}(R). We will show K \in \langle R \rangle _{d + 1}. By Algebra, Lemma 10.110.8 every finite R-module has projective dimension \leq d. We will show by induction on 0 \leq i \leq d that if H^ n(K) has projective dimension \leq i for all n \in \mathbf{Z}, then K is in \langle R \rangle _{i + 1}.

Base case i = 0. In this case H^ n(K) is a finite R-module of projective dimension 0. In other words, each cohomology is a projective R-module. Thus \mathop{\mathrm{Ext}}\nolimits ^ i_ R(H^ n(K), H^ m(K)) = 0 for all i > 0 and m, n \in \mathbf{Z}. By Derived Categories, Lemma 13.27.9 we find that K is isomorphic to the direct sum of the shifts of its cohomology modules. Since each cohomology module is a finite projective R-module, it is a direct summand of a direct sum of copies of R. Hence by definition we see that K is contained in \langle R \rangle _1.

Induction step. Assume the claim holds for i < d and let K \in D_{perf}(R) have the property that H^ n(K) has projective dimension \leq i + 1 for all n \in \mathbf{Z}. Choose a \leq b such that H^ n(K) is zero for n \not\in [a, b]. For each n \in [a, b] choose a surjection F^ n \to H^ n(K) where F^ n is a finite free R-module. Since F^ n is projective, we can lift F^ n \to H^ n(K) to a map F^ n[-n] \to K in D(R) (small detail omitted). Thus we obtain a morphism \bigoplus _{a \leq n \leq b} F^ n[-n] \to K which is surjective on cohomology modules. Choose a distinguished triangle

K' \to \bigoplus \nolimits _{a \leq n \leq b} F^ n[-n] \to K \to K'[1]

in D(R). Of course, the object K' is bounded and has finite cohomology modules. The long exact sequence of cohomology breaks into short exact sequences

0 \to H^ n(K') \to F^ n \to H^ n(K) \to 0

by the choices we made. By Algebra, Lemma 10.109.9 we see that the projective dimension of H^ n(K') is \leq \max (0, i). Thus K' \in \langle R \rangle _{i + 1}. By definition this means that K is in \langle R \rangle _{i + 1 + 1} as desired. \square

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