Lemma 26.21.9. Let f : X \to T and g : Y \to T be morphisms of schemes with the same target. Let h : T \to S be a morphism of schemes. Then the induced morphism i : X \times _ T Y \to X \times _ S Y is an immersion. If T \to S is separated, then i is a closed immersion. If T \to S is quasi-separated, then i is a quasi-compact morphism.
Proof. By general category theory the following diagram
\xymatrix{ X \times _ T Y \ar[r] \ar[d] & X \times _ S Y \ar[d] \\ T \ar[r]^{\Delta _{T/S}} \ar[r] & T \times _ S T }
is a fibre product diagram. The lemma follows from Lemmas 26.21.2, 26.17.6 and 26.19.3. \square
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