Lemma 35.3.5. Suppose that R \to A has a section. Then for any R-module M the extended cochain complex ( is exact.
Proof. By Simplicial, Lemma 14.28.5 the map R \to (A/R)_\bullet is a homotopy equivalence of cosimplicial R-algebras (here R denotes the constant cosimplicial R-algebra). Hence M \to (A/R)_\bullet \otimes _ R M is a homotopy equivalence in the category of cosimplicial R-modules, because \otimes _ R M is a functor from the category of R-algebras to the category of R-modules, see Simplicial, Lemma 14.28.4. This implies that the induced map of associated complexes is a homotopy equivalence, see Simplicial, Lemma 14.28.6. Since the complex associated to the constant cosimplicial R-module M is the complex
\xymatrix{ M \ar[r]^0 & M \ar[r]^1 & M \ar[r]^0 & M \ar[r]^1 & M \ldots }
we win (since the extended version simply puts an extra M at the beginning). \square
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