Lemma 42.11.1. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X, Y be locally of finite type over S. Let f : X \to Y be a morphism. Assume X, Y integral and \dim _\delta (X) = \dim _\delta (Y). Then either f(X) is contained in a proper closed subscheme of Y, or f is dominant and the extension of function fields R(X)/R(Y) is finite.
Proof. The closure \overline{f(X)} \subset Y is irreducible as X is irreducible (Topology, Lemmas 5.8.2 and 5.8.3). If \overline{f(X)} \not= Y, then we are done. If \overline{f(X)} = Y, then f is dominant and by Morphisms, Lemma 29.8.6 we see that the generic point \eta _ Y of Y is in the image of f. Of course this implies that f(\eta _ X) = \eta _ Y, where \eta _ X \in X is the generic point of X. Since \delta (\eta _ X) = \delta (\eta _ Y) we see that R(Y) = \kappa (\eta _ Y) \subset \kappa (\eta _ X) = R(X) is an extension of transcendence degree 0. Hence R(Y) \subset R(X) is a finite extension by Morphisms, Lemma 29.51.7 (which applies by Morphisms, Lemma 29.15.8). \square
Comments (7)
Comment #119 by Adeel Ahmad Khan on
Comment #122 by Adeel Ahmad Khan on
Comment #125 by Johan on
Comment #131 by Adeel on
Comment #132 by Adeel Ahmad Khan on
Comment #133 by Johan on
Comment #137 by Adeel Ahmad Khan on