Lemma 37.46.2. Let h : Y \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let s \in S be a point. Let T \subset Y_ s be an open subscheme. Assume
h is flat and of finite presentation,
all fibres of h are geometrically reduced, and
T is geometrically connected over \kappa (s).
Then we can find an affine elementary étale neighbourhood (S', s') \to (S, s) and a quasi-compact open V \subset Y_{S'} such that
all fibres of V \to S' are geometrically connected,
V_{s'} = T \times _ s s'.
The problem is clearly local on S, hence we may replace S by an affine open neighbourhood of s. The topology on Y_ s is induced from the topology on Y, see Schemes, Lemma 26.18.5. Hence we can find a quasi-compact open V \subset Y such that V_ s = T. The restriction of h to V is quasi-compact (as S affine and V quasi-compact), quasi-separated, locally of finite presentation, and flat hence flat of finite presentation. Thus after replacing Y by V we may assume, in addition to (1) and (2) that Y_ s = T and S affine.
Pick a closed point y \in Y_ s such that h is Cohen-Macaulay at y, see Lemma 37.22.7. By Lemma 37.23.4 there exists a diagram
\xymatrix{ Z \ar[r] \ar[rd] & Y \ar[d] \\ & S }
such that Z \to S is flat, locally of finite presentation, locally quasi-finite with Z_ s = \{ y\} . Apply Lemma 37.41.1 to find an elementary neighbourhood (S', s') \to (S, s) and an open Z' \subset Z_{S'} = S' \times _ S Z with Z' \to S' finite with a unique point z' \in Z' lying over s. Note that Z' \to S' is also locally of finite presentation and flat (as an open of the base change of Z \to S), hence Z' \to S' is finite locally free, see Morphisms, Lemma 29.48.2. Note that Y_{S'} \to S' is flat and of finite presentation with geometrically reduced fibres as a base change of h. Also Y_{s'} = Y_ s is geometrically connected. Apply Lemma 37.46.1 to Z' \to Y_{S'} over S' to get V \subset Y_{S'} quasi-compact open satisfying (2) whose fibres over S' are either empty or geometrically connected. As V \to S' is open (Morphisms, Lemma 29.25.10), after replacing S' by an affine open neighbourhood of s' we may assume V \to S' is surjective, whence (1) holds.
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