Any morphism isomorphic to a map of the form $X' \oplus Z \to Z \oplus Y'$ has both a kernel and a cokernel. Hence (3) $\Rightarrow $ (1), (2). Next we prove (1) $\Rightarrow $ (3). Suppose first that $f : X \to Y$ is a monomorphism, i.e., its kernel is zero. By TR1 there exists a distinguished triangle $(X, Y, Z, f, g, h)$. By Lemma 13.4.1 the composition $f \circ h[-1] = 0$. As $f$ is a monomorphism we see that $h[-1] = 0$ and hence $h = 0$. Then Lemma 13.4.11 implies that $Y = X \oplus Z$, i.e., we see that (3) holds. Next, assume $f$ has a kernel $K$. As $K \to X$ is a monomorphism we conclude $X = K \oplus X'$ and $f|_{X'} : X' \to Y$ is a monomorphism. Hence $Y = X' \oplus Y'$ and we win. The implication (2) $\Rightarrow $ (3) is dual to this.
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