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74.14 Properties of morphisms local on the source

In this section we define what it means for a property of morphisms of algebraic spaces to be local on the source. Please compare with Descent, Section 35.26.

Definition 74.14.1. Let S be a scheme. Let \mathcal{P} be a property of morphisms of algebraic spaces over S. Let \tau \in \{ fpqc, \linebreak[0] fppf, \linebreak[0] syntomic, \linebreak[0] smooth, \linebreak[0] {\acute{e}tale}\} . We say \mathcal{P} is \tau local on the source, or local on the source for the \tau -topology if for any morphism f : X \to Y of algebraic spaces over S, and any \tau -covering \{ X_ i \to X\} _{i \in I} of algebraic spaces we have

f \text{ has }\mathcal{P} \Leftrightarrow \text{each }X_ i \to Y\text{ has }\mathcal{P}.

To be sure, since isomorphisms are always coverings we see (or require) that property \mathcal{P} holds for X \to Y if and only if it holds for any arrow X' \to Y' isomorphic to X \to Y. If a property is \tau -local on the source then it is preserved by precomposing with morphisms which occur in \tau -coverings. Here is a formal statement.

Lemma 74.14.2. Let S be a scheme. Let \tau \in \{ fpqc, \linebreak[0] fppf, \linebreak[0] syntomic, \linebreak[0] smooth, \linebreak[0] {\acute{e}tale}\} . Let \mathcal{P} be a property of morphisms of algebraic spaces over S which is \tau local on the source. Let f : X \to Y have property \mathcal{P}. For any morphism a : X' \to X which is flat, resp. flat and locally of finite presentation, resp. syntomic, resp. smooth, resp. étale, the composition f \circ a : X' \to Y has property \mathcal{P}.

Proof. This is true because we can fit X' \to X into a family of morphisms which forms a \tau -covering. \square

Lemma 74.14.3. Let S be a scheme. Let \tau \in \{ fpqc, \linebreak[0] fppf, \linebreak[0] syntomic, \linebreak[0] smooth, \linebreak[0] {\acute{e}tale}\} . Suppose that \mathcal{P} is a property of morphisms of schemes over S which is étale local on the source-and-target. Denote \mathcal{P}_{spaces} the corresponding property of morphisms of algebraic spaces over S, see Morphisms of Spaces, Definition 67.22.2. If \mathcal{P} is local on the source for the \tau -topology, then \mathcal{P}_{spaces} is local on the source for the \tau -topology.

Proof. Let f : X \to Y be a morphism of algebraic spaces over S. Let \{ X_ i \to X\} _{i \in I} be a \tau -covering of algebraic spaces. Choose a scheme V and a surjective étale morphism V \to Y. Choose a scheme U and a surjective étale morphism U \to X \times _ Y V. For each i choose a scheme U_ i and a surjective étale morphism U_ i \to X_ i \times _ X U.

Note that \{ X_ i \times _ X U \to U\} _{i \in I} is a \tau -covering. Note that each \{ U_ i \to X_ i \times _ X U\} is an étale covering, hence a \tau -covering. Hence \{ U_ i \to U\} _{i \in I} is a \tau -covering of algebraic spaces over S. But since U and each U_ i is a scheme we see that \{ U_ i \to U\} _{i \in I} is a \tau -covering of schemes over S.

Now we have

\begin{align*} f \text{ has }\mathcal{P}_{spaces} & \Leftrightarrow U \to V \text{ has }\mathcal{P} \\ & \Leftrightarrow \text{each }U_ i \to V \text{ has }\mathcal{P} \\ & \Leftrightarrow \text{each }X_ i \to Y\text{ has }\mathcal{P}_{spaces}. \end{align*}

the first and last equivalence by the definition of \mathcal{P}_{spaces} the middle equivalence because we assumed \mathcal{P} is local on the source in the \tau -topology. \square

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