74 Descent and Algebraic Spaces
Section 74.1: Introduction
Section 74.2: Conventions
Section 74.3: Descent data for quasi-coherent sheaves
Section 74.4: Fpqc descent of quasi-coherent sheaves
Section 74.5: Quasi-coherent modules and affines
Section 74.6: Descent of finiteness properties of modules
Section 74.7: Fpqc coverings
Section 74.8: Descent of finiteness and smoothness properties of morphisms
Section 74.9: Descending properties of spaces
Section 74.10: Descending properties of morphisms
Section 74.11: Descending properties of morphisms in the fpqc topology
Section 74.12: Descending properties of morphisms in the fppf topology
Section 74.13: Application of descent of properties of morphisms
Section 74.14: Properties of morphisms local on the source
Section 74.15: Properties of morphisms local in the fpqc topology on the source
Section 74.16: Properties of morphisms local in the fppf topology on the source
Section 74.17: Properties of morphisms local in the syntomic topology on the source
Section 74.18: Properties of morphisms local in the smooth topology on the source
Section 74.19: Properties of morphisms local in the étale topology on the source
Section 74.20: Properties of morphisms smooth local on source-and-target
Section 74.21: Properties of morphisms étale-smooth local on source-and-target
Section 74.22: Descent data for spaces over spaces
Section 74.23: Descent data in terms of sheaves