We first claim that P holds for every representable quasi-compact and quasi-separated object of X_{spaces, {\acute{e}tale}}. Namely, suppose that U \to X is étale and U is a quasi-compact and quasi-separated scheme. By assumption (1) property P holds for every affine open of U. Moreover, if W, V \subset U are quasi-compact open with V affine and P holds for W, V, and W \cap V, then P holds for W \cup V by (2) (as the pair (W \subset W \cup V, V \to W \cup V) is an elementary distinguished square). Thus P holds for U by the induction principle for schemes, see Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.4.1.
To finish the proof it suffices to prove P holds for X (because we can simply replace X by any quasi-compact and quasi-separated object of X_{spaces, {\acute{e}tale}} we want to prove the result for). We will use the filtration
\emptyset = U_{n + 1} \subset U_ n \subset U_{n - 1} \subset \ldots \subset U_1 = X
and the morphisms f_ p : V_ p \to U_ p of Decent Spaces, Lemma 68.8.6. We will prove that P holds for U_ p by descending induction on p. Note that P holds for U_{n + 1} by (1) as an empty algebraic space is affine. Assume P holds for U_{p + 1}. Note that (U_{p + 1} \subset U_ p, f_ p : V_ p \to U_ p) is an elementary distinguished square, but (2) may not apply as V_ p may not be affine. However, as V_ p is a quasi-compact scheme we may choose a finite affine open covering V_ p = V_{p, 1} \cup \ldots \cup V_{p, m}. Set W_{p, 0} = U_{p + 1} and
W_{p, i} = U_{p + 1} \cup f_ p(V_{p, 1} \cup \ldots \cup V_{p, i})
for i = 1, \ldots , m. These are quasi-compact open subspaces of X. Then we have
U_{p + 1} = W_{p, 0} \subset W_{p, 1} \subset \ldots \subset W_{p, m} = U_ p
and the pairs
(W_{p, 0} \subset W_{p, 1}, f_ p|_{V_{p, 1}}), (W_{p, 1} \subset W_{p, 2}, f_ p|_{V_{p, 2}}),\ldots , (W_{p, m - 1} \subset W_{p, m}, f_ p|_{V_{p, m}})
are elementary distinguished squares by Lemma 75.9.2. Note that P holds for each V_{p, 1} (as affine schemes) and for W_{p, i} \times _{W_{p, i + 1}} V_{p, i + 1} as this is a quasi-compact open of V_{p, i + 1} and hence P holds for it by the first paragraph of this proof. Thus (2) applies to each of these and we inductively conclude P holds for W_{p, 1}, \ldots , W_{p, m} = U_ p.
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