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Lemma 61.13.2. Let \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} be a big pro-étale site as in Definition 61.12.7. Let T = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) be an affine object of \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}. The following are equivalent

  1. A is w-contractible,

  2. T is a weakly contractible (Sites, Definition 7.40.2) object of \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}, and

  3. every pro-étale covering of T can be refined by a Zariski covering of the form T = \coprod _{i = 1, \ldots , n} U_ i.

Proof. We have seen the equivalence of (1) and (3) in Lemma 61.13.1.

Assume (3) and let \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} be a surjection of sheaves on \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}. Let s \in \mathcal{G}(T). To prove (2) we will show that s is in the image of \mathcal{F}(T) \to \mathcal{G}(T). We can find a covering \{ T_ i \to T\} of \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} such that s lifts to a section of \mathcal{F} over T_ i (Sites, Definition 7.11.1). By (3) we may assume we have a finite covering T = \coprod _{j = 1, \ldots , m} U_ j by open and closed subsets and we have t_ j \in \mathcal{F}(U_ j) mapping to s|_{U_ j}. Since Zariski coverings are coverings in \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} (Lemma 61.12.3) we conclude that \mathcal{F}(T) = \prod \mathcal{F}(U_ j). Thus t = (t_1, \ldots , t_ m) \in \mathcal{F}(T) is a section mapping to s.

Assume (2). Let A \to D be as in Proposition 61.11.3. Then \{ V \to T\} is a covering of \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}. (Note that V = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(D) is an object of \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} by Remark 61.11.4 combined with our choice of the function Bound in Definition 61.12.7 and the computation of the size of affine schemes in Sets, Lemma 3.9.5.) Since the topology on \mathit{Sch}_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} is subcanonical (Lemma 61.12.22) we see that h_ V \to h_ T is a surjective map of sheaves (Sites, Lemma 7.12.4). Since T is assumed weakly contractible, we see that there is an element f \in h_ V(T) = \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (T, V) whose image in h_ T(T) is \text{id}_ T. Thus A \to D has a retraction \sigma : D \to A. Now if A \to B is faithfully flat and weakly étale, then D \to D \otimes _ A B has the same properties, hence there is a retraction D \otimes _ A B \to D and combined with \sigma we get a retraction B \to D \otimes _ A B \to D \to A of A \to B. Thus A is w-contractible and (1) holds. \square

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