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Lemma 61.29.3. Let X be a weakly contractible affine scheme. Let \Lambda be a Noetherian ring and let I \subset \Lambda be an ideal. Let K be an object of D_{cons}(X, \Lambda ) such that the cohomology sheaves of K \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} \underline{\Lambda /I} are locally constant. Then there exists a finite disjoint open covering X = \coprod U_ i and for each i a finite collection of finite projective \Lambda ^\wedge -modules M_ a, \ldots , M_ b such that K|_{U_ i} is represented by a complex

(\underline{M^ a})^\wedge \to \ldots \to (\underline{M^ b})^\wedge

in D(U_{i, {pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}}, \Lambda ) for some maps of sheaves of \Lambda -modules (\underline{M^ i})^\wedge \to (\underline{M^{i + 1}})^\wedge .

Proof. We freely use the results of Lemma 61.29.2. Choose a, b as in that lemma. We will prove the lemma by induction on b - a. Let \mathcal{F} = H^ b(K). Note that \mathcal{F} is a derived complete sheaf of \Lambda -modules by Proposition 61.21.1. Moreover \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F} is a locally constant sheaf of \Lambda /I-modules of finite type. Apply Lemma 61.28.7 to get a surjection \rho : (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t} \to \mathcal{F}.

If a = b, then K = \mathcal{F}[-b]. In this case we see that

\mathcal{F} \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} \underline{\Lambda /I} = \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F}

As X is weakly contractible and \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F} locally constant, we can find a finite disjoint union decomposition X = \coprod U_ i by affine opens U_ i and \Lambda /I-modules \overline{M}_ i such that \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F} restricts to \underline{\overline{M}_ i} on U_ i. After refining the covering we may assume the map

\rho |_{U_ i} \bmod I : \underline{\Lambda /I}^{\oplus t} \longrightarrow \underline{\overline{M}_ i}

is equal to \underline{\alpha _ i} for some surjective module map \alpha _ i : \Lambda /I^{\oplus t} \to \overline{M}_ i, see Modules on Sites, Lemma 18.43.3. Note that each \overline{M}_ i is a finite \Lambda /I-module. Since \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F} has tor amplitude in [0, 0] we conclude that \overline{M}_ i is a flat \Lambda /I-module. Hence \overline{M}_ i is finite projective (Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2). Hence we can find a projector \overline{p}_ i : (\Lambda /I)^{\oplus t} \to (\Lambda /I)^{\oplus t} whose image maps isomorphically to \overline{M}_ i under the map \alpha _ i. We can lift \overline{p}_ i to a projector p_ i : (\Lambda ^\wedge )^{\oplus t} \to (\Lambda ^\wedge )^{\oplus t}1. Then M_ i = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(p_ i) is a finite I-adically complete \Lambda ^\wedge -module with M_ i/IM_ i = \overline{M}_ i. Over U_ i consider the maps

\underline{M_ i}^\wedge \to (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t} \to \mathcal{F}|_{U_ i}

By construction the composition induces an isomorphism modulo I. The source and target are derived complete, hence so are the cokernel \mathcal{Q} and the kernel \mathcal{K}. We have \mathcal{Q}/I\mathcal{Q} = 0 by construction hence \mathcal{Q} is zero by Lemma 61.28.6. Then

0 \to \mathcal{K}/I\mathcal{K} \to \underline{\overline{M}_ i} \to \mathcal{F}/I\mathcal{F} \to 0

is exact by the vanishing of \text{Tor}_1 see at the start of this paragraph; also use that \underline{\Lambda }^\wedge /I\overline{\Lambda }^\wedge by Modules on Sites, Lemma 18.42.4 to see that \underline{M_ i}^\wedge /I\underline{M_ i}^\wedge = \underline{\overline{M}_ i}. Hence \mathcal{K}/I\mathcal{K} = 0 by construction and we conclude that \mathcal{K} = 0 as before. This proves the result in case a = b.

If b > a, then we lift the map \rho to a map

\tilde\rho : (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t}[-b] \longrightarrow K

in D(X_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}, \Lambda ). This is possible as we can think of K as a complex of \underline{\Lambda }^\wedge -modules by discussion in the introduction to Section 61.20 and because X_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale} is weakly contractible hence there is no obstruction to lifting the elements \rho (e_ s) \in H^0(X, \mathcal{F}) to elements of H^ b(X, K). Fitting \tilde\rho into a distinguished triangle

(\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t}[-b] \to K \to L \to (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t}[-b + 1]

we see that L is an object of D_{cons}(X, \Lambda ) such that L \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} \underline{\Lambda /I} has tor amplitude contained in [a, b - 1] (details omitted). By induction we can describe L locally as stated in the lemma, say L is isomorphic to

(\underline{M^ a})^\wedge \to \ldots \to (\underline{M^{b - 1}})^\wedge

The map L \to (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t}[-b + 1] corresponds to a map (\underline{M^{b - 1}})^\wedge \to (\underline{\Lambda }^\wedge )^{\oplus t} which allows us to extend the complex by one. The corresponding complex is isomorphic to K in the derived category by the properties of triangulated categories. This finishes the proof. \square

[1] Proof: by Algebra, Lemma 10.32.7 we can lift \overline{p}_ i to a compatible system of projectors p_{i, n} : (\Lambda /I^ n)^{\oplus t} \to (\Lambda /I^ n)^{\oplus t} and then we set p_ i = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits p_{i, n} which works because \Lambda ^\wedge = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits \Lambda /I^ n.

Comments (1)

Comment #9878 by Ben Moonen on

In the statement of the lemma, you want to call the modules M^a,...,M^b rather than M_a,...,M_b

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