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Lemma 54.8.10. Let p be a prime number. Let A be a complete regular local ring of dimension 2 and characteristic p. Let L/K be a degree p inseparable extension of the fraction field K of A. Let B \subset L be the integral closure of A. Then reduction to rational singularities is possible for B.

Proof. We have A = k[[x, y]]. Write L = K[x]/(x^ p - f) for some f \in A and denote g \in B the congruence class of x, i.e., the element such that g^ p = f. By Algebra, Lemma 10.158.2 we see that \text{d}f is nonzero in \Omega _{K/\mathbf{F}_ p}. By More on Algebra, Lemma 15.46.5 there exists a subfield k^ p \subset k' \subset k with p^ e = [k : k'] < \infty such that \text{d}f is nonzero in \Omega _{K/K_0} where K_0 is the fraction field of A_0 = k'[[x^ p, y^ p]] \subset A. Then

\Omega _{A/A_0} = A \otimes _ k \Omega _{k/k'} \oplus A \text{d}x \oplus A \text{d}y

is finite free of rank e + 2. Set \omega _ A = \Omega ^{e + 2}_{A/A_0}. Consider the canonical map

\text{Tr} : \Omega ^{e + 2}_{B/A_0} \longrightarrow \Omega ^{e + 2}_{A/A_0} = \omega _ A

of Lemma 54.2.4. By duality this determines a map

c : \Omega ^{e + 2}_{B/A_0} \to \omega _ B = \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(B, \omega _ A)

Claim: the cokernel of c is annihilated by a nonzero element of B.

Since \text{d}f is nonzero in \Omega _{A/A_0} we can find \eta _1, \ldots , \eta _{e + 1} \in \Omega _{A/A_0} such that \theta = \eta _1 \wedge \ldots \wedge \eta _{e + 1} \wedge \text{d}f is nonzero in \omega _ A = \Omega ^{e + 2}_{A/A_0}. To prove the claim we will construct elements \omega _ i of \Omega ^{e + 2}_{B/A_0}, i = 0, \ldots , p - 1 which are mapped to \varphi _ i \in \omega _ B = \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(B, \omega _ A) with \varphi _ i(g^ j) = \delta _{ij}\theta for j = 0, \ldots , p - 1. Since \{ 1, g, \ldots , g^{p - 1}\} is a basis for L/K this proves the claim. We set \eta = \eta _1 \wedge \ldots \wedge \eta _{e + 1} so that \theta = \eta \wedge \text{d}f. Set \omega _ i = \eta \wedge g^{p - 1 - i}\text{d}g. Then by construction we have

\varphi _ i(g^ j) = \text{Tr}(g^ j \eta \wedge g^{p - 1 - i}\text{d}g) = \text{Tr}(\eta \wedge g^{p - 1 - i + j}\text{d}g) = \delta _{ij} \theta

by the explicit description of the trace map in Lemma 54.2.2.

Let Y \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) be a normal modification. Exactly as in the proof of Lemma 54.8.6 we can reduce to the case where Y is finite over a modification X of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A). By Lemma 54.4.2 we may even assume X \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) is the result of a sequence of blowing ups in closed points. Picture:

\xymatrix{ Y \ar[d]_\pi \ar[r]_-g & \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \ar[d] \\ X \ar[r]^-f & \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) }

We may apply Lemma 54.2.4 to \pi and we obtain the first arrow in

\pi _*(\Omega ^{e + 2}_{Y/A_0}) \xrightarrow {\text{Tr}} (\Omega ^{e + 2}_{X/A_0})^{**} \xrightarrow {\varphi _ X} \omega _ X

and the second arrow is from Lemma 54.8.9 (because f is a sequence of blowups in closed points). By duality for the finite morphism \pi this corresponds to a map

c_ Y : \Omega ^{e + 2}_{Y/A_0} \longrightarrow \omega _ Y

extending the map c above. Hence we see that the image of \Gamma (Y, \omega _ Y) \to \omega _ B contains the image of c. By our claim we see that the cokernel is annihilated by a fixed nonzero element of B. We conclude by Lemma 54.8.8. \square

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