Situation 15.6.1. In the following we will consider ring maps
where we assume A' \to A is surjective with kernel I. In this situation we set B' = B \times _ A A' to obtain a cartesian square
In this section we discuss fibre products in the following situation.
Situation 15.6.1. In the following we will consider ring maps
where we assume A' \to A is surjective with kernel I. In this situation we set B' = B \times _ A A' to obtain a cartesian square
Lemma 15.6.2. In Situation 15.6.1 we have
as topological spaces.
Proof. Since B' = B \times _ A A' we obtain a commutative square of spectra, which induces a continuous map
as the source is a pushout in the category of topological spaces (which exists by Topology, Section 5.29).
To show the map can is surjective, let \mathfrak q' \subset B' be a prime ideal. If I \subset \mathfrak q' (here and below we take the liberty of considering I as an ideal of B' as well as an ideal of A'), then \mathfrak q' corresponds to a prime ideal of B and is in the image. If not, then pick h \in I, h \not\in \mathfrak q'. In this case B_ h = A_ h = 0 and the ring map B'_ h \to A'_ h is an isomorphism, see Lemma 15.5.3. Thus we see that \mathfrak q' corresponds to a unique prime ideal \mathfrak p' \subset A' which does not contain I.
Since B' \to B is surjective, we see that can is injective on the summand \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B). We have seen above that \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B') is injective on the complement of V(I) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A'). Since V(I) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') is exactly the image of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') a trivial set theoretic argument shows that can is injective.
To finish the proof we have to show that can is open. To do this, observe that an open of the pushout is of the form V \amalg U' where V \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) and U' \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') are opens whose inverse images in \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) agree. Let v \in V. We can find a g \in B such that v \in D(g) \subset V. Let f \in A be the image. Pick f' \in A' mapping to f. Then D(f') \cap U' \cap V(I) = D(f') \cap V(I). Hence V(I) \cap D(f') and D(f') \cap (U')^ c are disjoint closed subsets of D(f') = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A'_{f'}). Write (U')^ c = V(J) for some ideal J \subset A'. Since A'_{f'} \to A'_{f'}/IA'_{f'} \times A'_{f'}/JA'_{f'} is surjective by the disjointness just shown, we can find an a'' \in A'_{f'} mapping to 1 in A'_{f'}/IA'_{f'} and mapping to zero in A'_{f'}/JA'_{f'}. Clearing denominators, we find an element a' \in J mapping to f^ n in A. Then D(a'f') \subset U'. Let h' = (g^{n + 1}, a'f') \in B'. Since B'_{h'} = B_{g^{n + 1}} \times _{A_{f^{n + 1}}} A'_{a'f'} by a previously cited lemma, we see that D(h') pulls back to an open neighbourhood of v in the pushout, i.e., the image of V \amalg U' contains an open neighbourhood of the image of v. We omit the (easier) proof that the same thing is true for u' \in U' with u' \not\in V(I). \square
Lemma 15.6.3. In Situation 15.6.1 if B \to A is integral, then B' \to A' is integral.
Proof. Let a' \in A' with image a \in A. Let x^ d + b_1 x^{d - 1} + \ldots + b_ d be a monical polynomial with coefficients in B satisfied by a. Choose b'_ i \in B' mapping to b_ i \in B (possible). Then (a')^ d + b'_1 (a')^{d - 1} + \ldots + b'_ d is in the kernel of A' \to A. Since \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(B' \to B) = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(A' \to A) we can modify our choice of b'_ d to get (a')^ d + b'_1 (a')^{d - 1} + \ldots + b'_ d = 0 as desired. \square
In Situation 15.6.1 we'd like to understand B'-modules in terms of modules over A', A, and B. In order to do this we consider the functor (where the fibre product of categories as constructed in Categories, Example 4.31.3)
where can is the canonical identification L' \otimes _{B'} B \otimes _ B A = L' \otimes _{B'} A' \otimes _{A'} A. In the following we will write (N, M', \varphi ) for an object of the right hand side, i.e., N is a B-module, M' is an A'-module and \varphi : N \otimes _ B A \to M' \otimes _{A'} A is an isomorphism. However, it is often more convenient think of \varphi as a B-linear map \varphi : N \to M'/IM' which induces an isomorphism N \otimes _ B A \to M' \otimes _{A'} A = M'/IM'.
Lemma 15.6.4. In Situation 15.6.1 the functor ( has a right adjoint, namely the functor
where M = M'/IM'. Moreover, the composition of F with ( is the identity functor on \text{Mod}_ B \times _{\text{Mod}_ A} \text{Mod}_{A'}. In other words, setting N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' we have N' \otimes _{B'} B = N and N' \otimes _{B'} A' = M'.
Proof. The adjointness statement follows from the more general Lemma 15.5.4. To prove the final assertion, recall that B' = B \times _ A A' and N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' and extend these equalities to
where I, J, K, L are the kernels of the horizontal maps of the original diagrams. We present the proof as a sequence of observations:
K = IM' (see statement lemma),
B' \to B is surjective with kernel J and J \to I is bijective,
N' \to N is surjective with kernel L and L \to K is bijective,
JN' \subset L,
\mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(N \to M) generates M as an A-module (because N \otimes _ B A = M),
\mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(N' \to M') generates M' as an A'-module (because it holds modulo K and L maps isomorphically to K),
JN' = L (because L \cong K = I M' is generated by images of elements x n' with x \in I and n' \in N' by the previous statement),
N' \otimes _{B'} B = N (because N = N'/L, B = B'/J, and the previous statement),
there is a map \gamma : N' \otimes _{B'} A' \to M',
\gamma is surjective (see above),
the kernel of the composition N' \otimes _{B'} A' \to M' \to M is generated by elements l \otimes 1 and n' \otimes x with l \in K, n' \in N', x \in I (because M = N \otimes _ B A by assumption and because N' \to N and A' \to A are surjective with kernels L and I),
any element of N' \otimes _{B'} A' in the submodule generated by the elements l \otimes 1 and n' \otimes x with l \in L, n' \in N', x \in I can be written as l \otimes 1 for some l \in L (because J maps isomorphically to I we see that n' \otimes x = n'x \otimes 1 in N' \otimes _{B'} A'; similarly x n' \otimes a' = n' \otimes xa' = n'(xa') \otimes 1 in N' \otimes _{B'} A' when n' \in N', x \in J and a' \in A'; since we have seen that JN' = L this proves the assertion),
the kernel of \gamma is zero (because by (10) and (11) any element of the kernel is of the form l \otimes 1 with l \in L which is mapped to l \in K \subset M' by \gamma ).
This finishes the proof. \square
Lemma 15.6.5. In the situation of Lemma 15.6.4 for a B'-module L' the adjunction map
is surjective but in general not injective.
Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 15.6.4 let J \subset B' be the kernel of the map B' \to B. Then L' \otimes _{B'} B = L'/JL'. Hence to prove surjectivity it suffices to show that elements of the form (0, z) of the fibre product are in the image of the map of the lemma. The kernel of the map L' \otimes _{B'} A' \to L' \otimes _{B'} A is the image of L' \otimes _{B'} I \to L' \otimes _{B'} A'. Since the map J \to I induced by B' \to A' is an isomorphism the composition
induces a surjection of L' \otimes _{B'} J onto the set of elements of the form (0, z). To see the map is not injective in general we present a simple example. Namely, take a field k, set B' = k[x, y]/(xy), A' = B'/(x), B = B'/(y), A = B'/(x, y) and L' = B'/(x - y). In that case the class of x in L' is nonzero but is mapped to zero under the displayed arrow. \square
Lemma 15.6.6. In Situation 15.6.1 let (N_1, M'_1, \varphi _1) \to (N_2, M'_2, \varphi _2) be a morphism of \text{Mod}_ B \times _{\text{Mod}_ A} \text{Mod}_{A'} with N_1 \to N_2 and M'_1 \to M'_2 surjective. Then
where M_1 = M'_1/IM'_1 and M_2 = M'_2/IM'_2 is surjective.
Proof. Pick (x_2, y_2) \in N_2 \times _{\varphi _2, M_2} M'_2. Choose x_1 \in N_1 mapping to x_2. Since M'_1 \to M_1 is surjective we can find y_1 \in M'_1 mapping to \varphi _1(x_1). Then (x_1, y_1) maps to (x_2, y'_2) in N_2 \times _{\varphi _2, M_2} M'_2. Thus it suffices to show that elements of the form (0, y_2) are in the image of the map. Here we see that y_2 \in IM'_2. Write y_2 = \sum t_ i y_{2, i} with t_ i \in I. Choose y_{1, i} \in M'_1 mapping to y_{2, i}. Then y_1 = \sum t_ iy_{1, i} \in IM'_1 and the element (0, y_1) does the job. \square
Lemma 15.6.7. Let A, A', B, B', I, M, M', N, \varphi be as in Lemma 15.6.4. If N finite over B and M' finite over A', then N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' is finite over B'.
Proof. We will use the results of Lemma 15.6.4 without further mention. Choose generators y_1, \ldots , y_ r of N over B and generators x_1, \ldots , x_ s of M' over A'. Using that N = N' \otimes _{B'} B and B' \to B is surjective we can find u_1, \ldots , u_ r \in N' mapping to y_1, \ldots , y_ r in N. Using that M' = N' \otimes _{B'} A' we can find v_1, \ldots , v_ t \in N' such that x_ i = \sum v_ j \otimes a'_{ij} for some a'_{ij} \in A'. In particular we see that the images \overline{v}_ j \in M' of the v_ j generate M' over A'. We claim that u_1, \ldots , u_ r, v_1, \ldots , v_ t generate N' as a B'-module. Namely, pick \xi \in N'. We first choose b'_1, \ldots , b'_ r \in B' such that \xi and \sum b'_ i u_ i map to the same element of N. This is possible because B' \to B is surjective and y_1, \ldots , y_ r generate N over B. The difference \xi - \sum b'_ i u_ i is of the form (0, \theta ) for some \theta in IM'. Say \theta is \sum t_ j\overline{v}_ j with t_ j \in I. As J = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(B' \to B) maps isomorphically to I we can choose s_ j \in J \subset B' mapping to t_ j. Because N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' it follows that \xi = \sum b'_ i u_ i + \sum s_ j v_ j as desired. \square
Lemma 15.6.8. With A, A', B, B', I as in Situation 15.6.1.
Let (N, M', \varphi ) be an object of \text{Mod}_ B \times _{\text{Mod}_ A} \text{Mod}_{A'}. If M' is flat over A' and N is flat over B, then N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' is flat over B'.
If L' is a flat B'-module, then L' = (L \otimes _{B'} B) \times _{(L \otimes _{B'} A)} (L \otimes _{B'} A').
The category of flat B'-modules is equivalent to the full subcategory of \text{Mod}_ B \times _{\text{Mod}_ A} \text{Mod}_{A'} consisting of triples (N, M', \varphi ) with N flat over B and M' flat over A'.
Proof. In the proof we will use Lemma 15.6.4 without further mention.
Proof of (1). Set J = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(B' \to B). This is an ideal of B' mapping isomorphically to I = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(A' \to A). Let \mathfrak b' \subset B' be an ideal. We have to show that \mathfrak b' \otimes _{B'} N' \to N' is injective, see Algebra, Lemma 10.39.5. We know that
is injective as N is flat over B. As \mathfrak b' \cap J \to \mathfrak b' \to \mathfrak b'/(\mathfrak b' \cap J) \to 0 is exact, we conclude that it suffices to show that (\mathfrak b' \cap J) \otimes _{B'} N' \to N' is injective. Thus we may assume that \mathfrak b' \subset J. Next, since J \to I is an isomorphism we have
which maps injectively into M' as M' is a flat A'-module. Hence J \otimes _{B'} N' \to N' is injective and we conclude that \text{Tor}_1^{B'}(B'/J, N') = 0, see Algebra, Remark 10.75.9. Thus we may apply Algebra, Lemma 10.99.8 to N' over B' and the ideal J. Going back to our ideal \mathfrak b' \subset J, let \mathfrak b' \subset \mathfrak b'' \subset J be the smallest ideal whose image in I is an A'-submodule of I. In other words, we have \mathfrak b'' = A' \mathfrak b' if we view J = I as A'-module. Then \mathfrak b''/\mathfrak b' is killed by J and we get a short exact sequence
by the vanishing of \text{Tor}_1^{B'}(\mathfrak b''/\mathfrak b', N') we get from the application of the lemma. Thus we may replace \mathfrak b' by \mathfrak b''. In particular we may assume \mathfrak b' is an A'-module and maps to an ideal of A'. Then
This tensor product maps injectively into M' by our assumption that M' is flat over A'. We conclude that \mathfrak b' \otimes _{B'} N' \to N' \to M' is injective and hence the first map is injective as desired.
Proof of (2). This follows by tensoring the short exact sequence 0 \to B' \to B \oplus A' \to A \to 0 with L' over B'.
Proof of (3). Immediate consequence of (1) and (2). \square
Lemma 15.6.9. Let A, A', B, B', I be as in Situation 15.6.1. The category of finite projective B'-modules is equivalent to the full subcategory of \text{Mod}_ B \times _{\text{Mod}_ A} \text{Mod}_{A'} consisting of triples (N, M', \varphi ) with N finite projective over B and M' finite projective over A'.
Proof. Recall that a module is finite projective if and only if it is finitely presented and flat, see Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2. Using Lemmas 15.6.8 and 15.6.7 we reduce to showing that N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' is a B'-module of finite presentation if N finite projective over B and M' finite projective over A'.
By Lemma 15.6.7 the module N' is finite over B'. Choose a surjection (B')^{\oplus n} \to N' with kernel K'. By base change we obtain maps B^{\oplus n} \to N, (A')^{\oplus n} \to M', and A^{\oplus n} \to M with kernels K_ B, K_{A'}, and K_ A. There is a canonical map
On the other hand, since N' = N \times _{\varphi , M} M' and B' = B \times _ A A' there is also a canonical map K_ B \times _{K_ A} K_{A'} \to K' inverse to the displayed arrow. Hence the displayed map is an isomorphism. By Algebra, Lemma 10.5.3 the modules K_ B and K_{A'} are finite. We conclude from Lemma 15.6.7 that K' is a finite B'-module provided that K_ B \to K_ A and K_{A'} \to K_ A induce isomorphisms K_ B \otimes _ B A = K_ A = K_{A'} \otimes _{A'} A. This is true because the flatness assumptions implies the sequences
stay exact upon tensoring, see Algebra, Lemma 10.39.12. \square
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