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Lemma 45.9.9. Assume given (D0), (D1), (D2), and (D3) satisfying (A), (B), and (C). If X and Y are smooth projective schemes over k, then H^*(X \amalg Y) \to H^*(X) \times H^*(Y), a \mapsto (i^*a, j^*a) is an isomorphism where i, j are the coprojections.

Proof. If X or Y is empty, then this is true because H^*(\emptyset ) = 0 by Lemma 45.9.5. Thus we may assume both X and Y are nonempty.

We first show that the map is injective. First, observe that we can find morphisms X' \to X and Y' \to Y of smooth projective schemes so that X' and Y' are equidimensional of the same dimension and such that X' \to X and Y' \to Y each have a section. Namely, decompose X = \coprod X_ d and Y = \coprod Y_ e into open and closed subschemes equidimensional of dimension d and e. Then take X' = \coprod X_ d \times \mathbf{P}^{n - d} and Y' = \coprod Y_ e \times \mathbf{P}^{n - e} for some n sufficiently large. Thus pullback by X' \amalg Y' \to X \amalg Y is injective (because there is a section) and it suffices to show the injectivity for X', Y' as we do in the next parapgrah.

Let us show the map is injective when X and Y are equidimensional of the same dimension d. Observe that [X \amalg Y] = [X] + [Y] in \mathop{\mathrm{CH}}\nolimits ^0(X \amalg Y) and that [X] and [Y] are orthogonal idempotents in \mathop{\mathrm{CH}}\nolimits ^0(X \amalg Y). Thus

1 = \gamma ([X \amalg Y] = \gamma ([X]) + \gamma ([Y]) = i_*1 + j_*1

is a decomposition into orthogonal idempotents. Here we have used Lemmas 45.9.5 and 45.9.6 and axiom (C)(c). Then we see that

a = a \cup 1 = a \cup i_*1 + a \cup j_*1 = i_*(i^*a) + j_*(j^*a)

by the projection formula (Lemma 45.9.1) and hence the map is injective.

We show the map is surjective. Write e = \gamma ([X]) and f = \gamma ([Y]) viewed as elements in H^0(X \amalg Y). We have i^*e = 1, i^*f = 0, j^*e = 0, and j^*f = 1 by axiom (C)(a). Hence if i^* : H^*(X \amalg Y) \to H^*(X) and j^* : H^*(X \amalg Y) \to H^*(Y) are surjective, then so is (i^*, j^*). Namely, for a, a' \in H^*(X \amalg Y) we have

(i^*a, j^*a') = (i^*(a \cup e + a' \cup f), j^*(a \cup e + a' \cup f))

By symmetry it suffices to show i^* : H^*(X \amalg Y) \to H^*(X) is surjective. If there is a morphism Y \to X, then there is a morphism g : X \amalg Y \to X with g \circ i = \text{id}_ X and we conclude. To finish the proof, observe that in order to prove i^* is surjective, it suffices to do so after tensoring by a nonzero graded F-vector space. Hence by axiom (B)(b) and nonvanishing of cohomology (Lemma 45.9.5) it suffices to prove i^* is surjective after replacing X and Y by X \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k') and Y \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k') for some finite separable extension k'/k. If we choose k' such that there exists a closed point x \in X with \kappa (x) = k' (and this is possible by Varieties, Lemma 33.25.6) then there is a morphism Y \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k') \to X \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k') and we find that the proof is complete. \square

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