Lemma 15.121.1. Let R be a regular local ring. Let f \in R. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Pic}}\nolimits (R_ f) = 0.
15.121 A regular local ring is a UFD
We prove the result mentioned in the section title.
Proof. Let L be an invertible R_ f-module. In particular L is a finite R_ f-module. There exists a finite R-module M such that M_ f \cong L, see Algebra, Lemma 10.126.3. By Algebra, Proposition 10.110.1 we see that M has a finite free resolution F_\bullet over R. It follows that L is quasi-isomorphic to a finite complex of free R_ f-modules. Hence by Lemma 15.119.1 we see that [L_ f] = n[R_ f] in K_0(R_ f) for some n \in \mathbf{Z}. Applying the map of Lemma 15.118.7 we see that L is trivial. \square
Lemma 15.121.2. A regular local ring is a UFD.
Proof. Recall that a regular local ring is a domain, see Algebra, Lemma 10.106.2. We will prove the unique factorization property by induction on the dimension of the regular local ring R. If \dim (R) = 0, then R is a field and in particular a UFD. Assume \dim (R) > 0. Let x \in \mathfrak m, x \not\in \mathfrak m^2. Then R/(x) is regular by Algebra, Lemma 10.106.3, hence a domain by Algebra, Lemma 10.106.2, hence x is a prime element. Let \mathfrak p \subset R be a height 1 prime. We have to show that \mathfrak p is principal, see Algebra, Lemma 10.120.6. We may assume x \not\in \mathfrak p, since if x \in \mathfrak p, then \mathfrak p = (x) and we are done. For every nonmaximal prime \mathfrak q \subset R the local ring R_\mathfrak q is a regular local ring, see Algebra, Lemma 10.110.6. By induction we see that \mathfrak pR_\mathfrak q is principal. In particular, the R_ x-module \mathfrak p_ x = \mathfrak pR_ x \subset R_ x is a finitely presented R_ x-module whose localization at any prime is free of rank 1. By Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2 we see that \mathfrak p_ x is an invertible R_ x-module. By Lemma 15.121.1 we see that \mathfrak p_ x = (y) for some y \in R_ x. We can write y = x^ e f for some f \in \mathfrak p and e \in \mathbf{Z}. Factor f = a_1 \ldots a_ r into irreducible elements of R (Algebra, Lemma 10.120.3). Since \mathfrak p is prime, we see that a_ i \in \mathfrak p for some i. Since \mathfrak p_ x = (y) is prime and a_ i | y in R_ x, it follows that \mathfrak p_ x is generated by a_ i in R_ x, i.e., the image of a_ i in R_ x is prime. As x is a prime element, we find that a_ i is prime in R by Algebra, Lemma 10.120.7. Since (a_ i) \subset \mathfrak p and \mathfrak p has height 1 we conclude that (a_ i) = \mathfrak p as desired. \square
Lemma 15.121.3. Let R be a valuation ring with fraction field K and residue field \kappa . Let R \to A be a homomorphism of rings such that
A is local and R \to A is local,
A is flat and essentially of finite type over R,
A \otimes _ R \kappa regular.
Then \mathop{\mathrm{Pic}}\nolimits (A \otimes _ R K) = 0.
Proof. Let L be an invertible A \otimes _ R K-module. In particular L is a finite module. There exists a finite A-module M such that M \otimes _ R K \cong L, see Algebra, Lemma 10.126.3. We may assume M is torsion free as an R-module. Thus M is flat as an R-module (Lemma 15.22.10). From Lemma 15.25.6 we deduce that M is of finite presentation as an A-module and A is essentially of finite presentation as an R-algebra. By Lemma 15.83.4 we see that M is perfect relative to R, in particular M is pseudo-coherent as an A-module. By Lemma 15.77.6 we see that M is perfect, hence M has a finite free resolution F_\bullet over A. It follows that L is quasi-isomorphic to a finite complex of free A \otimes _ R K-modules. Hence by Lemma 15.119.1 we see that [L] = n[A \otimes _ R K] in K_0(A \otimes _ R K) for some n \in \mathbf{Z}. Applying the map of Lemma 15.118.7 we see that L is trivial. \square
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Comment #6705 by 期中考试破大防 on
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