Lemma 88.17.4. Consider the properties P(\varphi )=“\varphi is rig-smooth” and Q(\varphi )=“\varphi is adic” on arrows of \textit{WAdm}^{Noeth}. Then P is stable under base change by Q as defined in Formal Spaces, Remark 87.21.10.
Proof. The statement makes sense by Lemma 88.17.1. To see that it is true assume we have morphisms B \to A and B \to C in \textit{WAdm}^{Noeth} and that B \to A is rig-smooth and B \to C is adic (Formal Spaces, Definition 87.6.1). Then we can choose an ideal of definition I \subset B such that the topology on A and C is the I-adic topology. In this situation it follows immediately that A \widehat{\otimes }_ B C is rig-smooth over (C, IC) by Lemma 88.4.5. \square
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