Lemma 37.79.1. Let f : X \to Y be a morphism of schemes. Assume
Y has an ample family of invertible modules,
there exists an f-ample invertible module on X.
Then X has an ample family of invertible modules.
Lemma 37.79.1. Let f : X \to Y be a morphism of schemes. Assume
Y has an ample family of invertible modules,
there exists an f-ample invertible module on X.
Then X has an ample family of invertible modules.
Proof. Let \mathcal{L} be an f-ample invertible module on X. This in particular implies that f is quasi-compact, see Morphisms, Definition 29.37.1. Since Y is quasi-compact by Morphisms, Definition 29.12.1 we see that X is quasi-compact (and hence X itself satisfies the first condition of Morphisms, Definition 29.12.1). Let x \in X with image y \in Y. By assumption (2) we can find an invertible \mathcal{O}_ Y-module \mathcal{N} and a section t \in \Gamma (Y, \mathcal{N}) such that the locus Y_ t where t does not vanish is affine. Then \mathcal{L} is ample over f^{-1}(Y_ t) = X_{f^*t} and hence we can find a section s \in \Gamma (X_{f^*t}, \mathcal{L}) such that (X_{f^*t})_ s is affine and contains x. By Properties, Lemma 28.17.2 for some n \geq 0 the product (f^*t)^ n s extends to a section s' \in \Gamma (X, f^*\mathcal{N}^{\otimes n} \otimes \mathcal{L}). Then finally the section s'' = f^* ts' of f^*\mathcal{N}^{\otimes n + 1} \otimes \mathcal{L} vanishes at every point of X \setminus X_{f^*t} hence we see that X_{s''} = (X_{f^*t})_ s is affine as desired. \square
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