Statistics for tag 02GE
tag creation | last update | |
May 26, 2009 | Mar 17, 2013 | more history |
Complexity measure
metric | value |
number of results in proof | 2 |
number of results used in preliminary results | 95 |
number of chapters used | 14 |
number of sections used | 44 |
number of results (indirectly) using this tag | 2225 |
Tags (directly) using this result
- Lemma 29.35.17
in Section 29.35: Unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 29.36.18
in Section 29.36: Étale morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 35.23.28
in Section 35.23: Properties of morphisms local in the fpqc topology on the target
(go to statistics) - Lemma 35.25.2
in Section 35.25: Application of fpqc descent of properties of morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 35.32.6
in Section 35.32: Properties of morphisms étale local on source-and-target
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.8.7
in Section 37.8: Formally étale morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.64.9
in Section 37.64: Weakly étale morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 38.2.3
in Section 38.2: Lemmas on étale localization
(go to statistics) - Lemma 39.3.5
in Section 39.3: Equivalence relations
(go to statistics) - Theorem 41.4.1
in Section 41.4: Three other characterizations of unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Proposition 41.6.1
in Section 41.6: Topological properties of unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 41.6.4
in Section 41.6: Topological properties of unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 41.7.1
in Section 41.7: Universally injective, unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Theorem 41.15.1
in Section 41.15: Topological invariance of the étale topology
(go to statistics) - Lemma 41.21.6
in Section 41.21: Normal crossings divisors
(go to statistics) - Lemma 48.18.2
in Section 48.18: Base change for upper shriek
(go to statistics) - Lemma 67.38.9
in Section 67.38: Unramified morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 67.50.1
in Section 67.50: Separated, locally quasi-finite morphisms
(go to statistics)