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Lemma 36.14.4. Let X be an affine scheme. Then approximation holds for every triple (T, E, m) as in Definition 36.14.1 such that there exists an integer r \geq 0 with

  1. E is m-pseudo-coherent,

  2. H^ i(E) is supported on T for i \geq m - r + 1,

  3. X \setminus T is the union of r affine opens.

In particular, approximation by perfect complexes holds for affine schemes.

Proof. Say X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A). Write T = V(f_1, \ldots , f_ r). (The case r = 0, i.e., T = X follows immediately from Lemma 36.10.2 and the definitions.) Let (T, E, m) be a triple as in the lemma. Let t be the largest integer such that H^ t(E) is nonzero. We will proceed by induction on t. The base case is t < m; in this case the result is trivial. Now suppose that t \geq m. By Cohomology, Lemma 20.47.9 the sheaf H^ t(E) is of finite type. Since it is quasi-coherent it is generated by finitely many sections (Properties, Lemma 28.16.1). For every s \in \Gamma (X, H^ t(E)) = H^ t(X, E) (see proof of Lemma 36.3.5) we can find an e > 0 and a morphism K_ e[-t] \to E such that s is in the image of H^0(K_ e) = H^ t(K_ e[-t]) \to H^ t(E), see Lemma 36.9.6. Taking a finite direct sum of these maps we obtain a map P \to E where P is a perfect complex supported on T, where H^ i(P) = 0 for i > t, and where H^ t(P) \to E is surjective. Choose a distinguished triangle

P \to E \to E' \to P[1]

Then E' is m-pseudo-coherent (Cohomology, Lemma 20.47.4), H^ i(E') = 0 for i \geq t, and H^ i(E') is supported on T for i \geq m - r + 1. By induction we find an approximation P' \to E' of (T, E', m). Fit the composition P' \to E' \to P[1] into a distinguished triangle P \to P'' \to P' \to P[1] and extend the morphisms P' \to E' and P[1] \to P[1] into a morphism of distinguished triangles

\xymatrix{ P \ar[r] \ar[d] & P'' \ar[d] \ar[r] & P' \ar[d] \ar[r] & P[1] \ar[d] \\ P \ar[r] & E \ar[r] & E' \ar[r] & P[1] }

using TR3. Then P'' is a perfect complex (Cohomology, Lemma 20.49.7) supported on T. An easy diagram chase shows that P'' \to E is the desired approximation. \square

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