9.14 Purely inseparable extensions
Purely inseparable extensions are the opposite of the separable extensions defined in the previous section. These extensions only show up in positive characteristic.
Definition 9.14.1. Let F be a field of characteristic p > 0. Let K/F be an extension.
An element \alpha \in K is purely inseparable over F if there exists a power q of p such that \alpha ^ q \in F.
The extension K/F is said to be purely inseparable if and only if every element of K is purely inseparable over F.
Observe that a purely inseparable extension is necessarily algebraic. Let F be a field of characteristic p > 0. An example of a purely inseparable extension is gotten by adjoining the pth root of an element t \in F which does not yet have one. Namely, the lemma below shows that P = x^ p - t is irreducible, and hence
K = F[x]/(P) = F[t^{1/p}]
is a field. And K is purely inseparable over F because every element
a_0 + a_1t^{1/p} + \ldots + a_{p - 1}t^{(p - 1)/p},\quad a_ i \in F
of K has pth power equal to
(a_0 + a_1t^{1/p} + \ldots + a_{p - 1}t^{(p - 1)/p})^ p = a_0^ p + a_1^ p t + \ldots + a_{p - 1}^ pt^{p - 1} \in F
This situation occurs for the field \mathbf{F}_ p(t) of rational functions over \mathbf{F}_ p.
Lemma 9.14.2. Let p be a prime number. Let F be a field of characteristic p. Let t \in F be an element which does not have a pth root in F. Then the polynomial x^ p - t is irreducible over F.
To see this, suppose that we have a factorization x^ p - t = f g. Taking derivatives we get f' g + f g' = 0. Note that neither f' = 0 nor g' = 0 as the degrees of f and g are smaller than p. Moreover, \deg (f') < \deg (f) and \deg (g') < \deg (g). We conclude that f and g have a factor in common. Thus if x^ p - t is reducible, then it is of the form x^ p - t = c f^ n for some irreducible f, c \in F^*, and n > 1. Since p is a prime number this implies n = p and f linear, which would imply x^ p - t has a root in F. Contradiction.
We will see that taking pth roots is a very important operation in characteristic p.
Lemma 9.14.3. Let E/k and F/E be purely inseparable extensions of fields. Then F/k is a purely inseparable extension of fields.
Say the characteristic of k is p. Choose \alpha \in F. Then \alpha ^ q \in E for some p-power q. Whereupon (\alpha ^ q)^{q'} \in k for some p-power q'. Hence \alpha ^{qq'} \in k.
Lemma 9.14.4. Let E/k be a field extension. Then the elements of E purely-inseparable over k form a subextension of E/k.
Let p be the characteristic of k. Let \alpha , \beta \in E be purely inseparable over k. Say \alpha ^ q \in k and \beta ^{q'} \in k for some p-powers q, q'. If q'' is a p-power, then (\alpha + \beta )^{q''} = \alpha ^{q''} + \beta ^{q''}. Hence if q'' \geq q, q', then we conclude that \alpha + \beta is purely inseparable over k. Similarly for the difference, product and quotient of \alpha and \beta .
Lemma 9.14.5. Let E/F be a finite purely inseparable field extension of characteristic p > 0. Then there exists a sequence of elements \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _ n \in E such that we obtain a tower of fields
E = F(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _ n) \supset F(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{n - 1}) \supset \ldots \supset F(\alpha _1) \supset F
such that each intermediate extension is of degree p and comes from adjoining a pth root. Namely, \alpha _ i^ p \in F(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{i - 1}) is an element which does not have a pth root in F(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{i - 1}) for i = 1, \ldots , n.
By induction on the degree of E/F. If the degree of the extension is 1 then the result is clear (with n = 0). If not, then choose \alpha \in E, \alpha \not\in F. Say \alpha ^{p^ r} \in F for some r > 0. Pick r minimal and replace \alpha by \alpha ^{p^{r - 1}}. Then \alpha \not\in F, but \alpha ^ p \in F. Then t = \alpha ^ p is not a pth power in F (because that would imply \alpha \in F, see Lemma 9.12.5 or its proof). Thus F \subset F(\alpha ) is a subextension of degree p (Lemma 9.14.2). By induction we find \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _ n \in E generating E/F(\alpha ) satisfying the conclusions of the lemma. The sequence \alpha , \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _ n does the job for the extension E/F.
Lemma 9.14.6.slogan Let E/F be an algebraic field extension. There exists a unique subextension E/E_{sep}/F such that E_{sep}/F is separable and E/E_{sep} is purely inseparable.
If the characteristic is zero we set E_{sep} = E. Assume the characteristic is p > 0. Let E_{sep} be the set of elements of E which are separable over F. This is a subextension by Lemma 9.12.13 and of course E_{sep} is separable over F. Given an \alpha in E there exists a p-power q such that \alpha ^ q is separable over F. Namely, q is that power of p such that the minimal polynomial of \alpha is of the form P(x^ q) with P separable algebraic, see Lemma 9.12.1. Hence E/E_{sep} is purely inseparable. Uniqueness is clear.
Definition 9.14.7. Let E/F be an algebraic field extension. Let E_{sep} be the subextension found in Lemma 9.14.6.
The integer [E_{sep} : F] is called the separable degree of the extension. Notation [E : F]_ s.
The integer [E : E_{sep}] is called the inseparable degree, or the degree of inseparability of the extension. Notation [E : F]_ i.
Of course in characteristic 0 we have [E : F] = [E : F]_ s and [E : F]_ i = 1. By multiplicativity (Lemma 9.7.7) we have
[E : F] = [E : F]_ s [E : F]_ i
even in case some of these degrees are infinite. In fact, the separable degree and the inseparable degree are multiplicative too (see Lemma 9.14.9).
Lemma 9.14.8. Let K/F be a finite extension. Let \overline{F} be an algebraic closure of F. Then [K : F]_ s = |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K, \overline{F})|.
We first prove this when K/F is purely inseparable. Namely, we claim that in this case there is a unique map K \to \overline{F}. This can be seen by choosing a sequence of elements \alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _ n \in K as in Lemma 9.14.5. The irreducible polynomial of \alpha _ i over F(\alpha _1, \ldots , \alpha _{i - 1}) is x^ p - \alpha _ i^ p. Applying Lemma 9.12.9 we see that |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K, \overline{F})| = 1. On the other hand, [K : F]_ s = 1 in this case hence the equality holds.
Let's return to a general finite extension K/F. In this case choose F \subset K_ s \subset K as in Lemma 9.14.6. By Lemma 9.12.11 we have |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K_ s, \overline{F})| = [K_ s : F] = [K : F]_ s. On the other hand, every field map \sigma ' : K_ s \to \overline{F} extends to a unique field map \sigma : K \to \overline{F} by the result of the previous paragraph. In other words |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K, \overline{F})| = |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K_ s, \overline{F})| and the proof is done.
Lemma 9.14.9 (Multiplicativity). Suppose given a tower of algebraic field extensions K/E/F. Then
[K : F]_ s = [K : E]_ s [E : F]_ s \quad \text{and}\quad [K : F]_ i = [K : E]_ i [E : F]_ i
We first prove this in case K is finite over F. Since we have multiplicativity for the usual degree (by Lemma 9.7.7) it suffices to prove one of the two formulas. By Lemma 9.14.8 we have [K : F]_ s = |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(K, \overline{F})|. By the same lemma, given any \sigma \in \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(E, \overline{F}) the number of extensions of \sigma to a map \tau : K \to \overline{F} is [K : E]_ s. Namely, via E \cong \sigma (E) \subset \overline{F} we can view \overline{F} as an algebraic closure of E. Combined with the fact that there are [E : F]_ s = |\mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ F(E, \overline{F})| choices for \sigma we obtain the result.
We omit the proof if the extensions are infinite.
Comments (3)
Comment #4833 by Kasper Andersen on
Comment #4930 by Marwan on
Comment #5132 by Johan on