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51.7 Finiteness of local cohomology, I

We will follow Faltings approach to finiteness of local cohomology modules, see [Faltings-annulators] and [Faltings-finiteness]. Here is a lemma which shows that it suffices to prove local cohomology modules have an annihilator in order to prove that they are finite modules.

Lemma 51.7.1.reference Let A be a Noetherian ring. Let T \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) be a subset stable under specialization. Let M be a finite A-module. Let n \geq 0. The following are equivalent

  1. H^ i_ T(M) is finite for i \leq n,

  2. there exists an ideal J \subset A with V(J) \subset T such that J annihilates H^ i_ T(M) for i \leq n.

If T = V(I) = Z for an ideal I \subset A, then these are also equivalent to

  1. there exists an e \geq 0 such that I^ e annihilates H^ i_ Z(M) for i \leq n.

Proof. We prove the equivalence of (1) and (2) by induction on n. For n = 0 we have H^0_ T(M) \subset M is finite. Hence (1) is true. Since H^0_ T(M) = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits H^0_{V(J)}(M) with J as in (2) we see that (2) is true. Assume that n > 0.

Assume (1) is true. Recall that H^ i_ J(M) = H^ i_{V(J)}(M), see Dualizing Complexes, Lemma 47.10.1. Thus H^ i_ T(M) = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits H^ i_ J(M) where the colimit is over ideals J \subset A with V(J) \subset T, see Lemma 51.5.3. Since H^ i_ T(M) is finitely generated for i \leq n we can find a J \subset A as in (2) such that H^ i_ J(M) \to H^ i_ T(M) is surjective for i \leq n. Thus the finite list of generators are J-power torsion elements and we see that (2) holds with J replaced by some power.

Assume we have J as in (2). Let N = H^0_ T(M) and M' = M/N. By construction of R\Gamma _ T we find that H^ i_ T(N) = 0 for i > 0 and H^0_ T(N) = N, see Remark 51.5.6. Thus we find that H^0_ T(M') = 0 and H^ i_ T(M') = H^ i_ T(M) for i > 0. We conclude that we may replace M by M'. Thus we may assume that H^0_ T(M) = 0. This means that the finite set of associated primes of M are not in T. By prime avoidance (Algebra, Lemma 10.15.2) we can find f \in J not contained in any of the associated primes of M. Then the long exact local cohomology sequence associated to the short exact sequence

0 \to M \to M \to M/fM \to 0

turns into short exact sequences

0 \to H^ i_ T(M) \to H^ i_ T(M/fM) \to H^{i + 1}_ T(M) \to 0

for i < n. We conclude that J^2 annihilates H^ i_ T(M/fM) for i < n. By induction hypothesis we see that H^ i_ T(M/fM) is finite for i < n. Using the short exact sequence once more we see that H^{i + 1}_ T(M) is finite for i < n as desired.

We omit the proof of the equivalence of (2) and (3) in case T = V(I). \square

The following result of Faltings allows us to prove finiteness of local cohomology at the level of local rings.

Lemma 51.7.2.reference Let A be a Noetherian ring, I \subset A an ideal, M a finite A-module, and n \geq 0 an integer. Let Z = V(I). The following are equivalent

  1. the modules H^ i_ Z(M) are finite for i \leq n, and

  2. for all \mathfrak p \in \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) the modules H^ i_ Z(M)_\mathfrak p, i \leq n are finite A_\mathfrak p-modules.

Proof. The implication (1) \Rightarrow (2) is immediate. We prove the converse by induction on n. The case n = 0 is clear because both (1) and (2) are always true in that case.

Assume n > 0 and that (2) is true. Let N = H^0_ Z(M) and M' = M/N. By Dualizing Complexes, Lemma 47.11.6 we may replace M by M'. Thus we may assume that H^0_ Z(M) = 0. This means that \text{depth}_ I(M) > 0 (Dualizing Complexes, Lemma 47.11.1). Pick f \in I a nonzerodivisor on M and consider the short exact sequence

0 \to M \to M \to M/fM \to 0

which produces a long exact sequence

0 \to H^0_ Z(M/fM) \to H^1_ Z(M) \to H^1_ Z(M) \to H^1_ Z(M/fM) \to H^2_ Z(M) \to \ldots

and similarly after localization. Thus assumption (2) implies that the modules H^ i_ Z(M/fM)_\mathfrak p are finite for i < n. Hence by induction assumption H^ i_ Z(M/fM) are finite for i < n.

Let \mathfrak p be a prime of A which is associated to H^ i_ Z(M) for some i \leq n. Say \mathfrak p is the annihilator of the element x \in H^ i_ Z(M). Then \mathfrak p \in Z, hence f \in \mathfrak p. Thus fx = 0 and hence x comes from an element of H^{i - 1}_ Z(M/fM) by the boundary map \delta in the long exact sequence above. It follows that \mathfrak p is an associated prime of the finite module \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\delta ). We conclude that \text{Ass}(H^ i_ Z(M)) is finite for i \leq n, see Algebra, Lemma 10.63.5.

Recall that

H^ i_ Z(M) \subset \prod \nolimits _{\mathfrak p \in \text{Ass}(H^ i_ Z(M))} H^ i_ Z(M)_\mathfrak p

by Algebra, Lemma 10.63.19. Since by assumption the modules on the right hand side are finite and I-power torsion, we can find integers e_{\mathfrak p, i} \geq 0, i \leq n, \mathfrak p \in \text{Ass}(H^ i_ Z(M)) such that I^{e_{\mathfrak p, i}} annihilates H^ i_ Z(M)_\mathfrak p. We conclude that I^ e with e = \max \{ e_{\mathfrak p, i}\} annihilates H^ i_ Z(M) for i \leq n. By Lemma 51.7.1 we see that H^ i_ Z(M) is finite for i \leq n. \square

Lemma 51.7.3. Let A be a ring and let J \subset I \subset A be finitely generated ideals. Let i \geq 0 be an integer. Set Z = V(I). If H^ i_ Z(A) is annihilated by J^ n for some n, then H^ i_ Z(M) annihilated by J^ m for some m = m(M) for every finitely presented A-module M such that M_ f is a finite locally free A_ f-module for all f \in I.

Proof. Consider the annihilator \mathfrak a of H^ i_ Z(M). Let \mathfrak p \subset A with \mathfrak p \not\in Z. By assumption there exists an f \in I, f \not\in \mathfrak p and an isomorphism \varphi : A_ f^{\oplus r} \to M_ f of A_ f-modules. Clearing denominators (and using that M is of finite presentation) we find maps

a : A^{\oplus r} \longrightarrow M \quad \text{and}\quad b : M \longrightarrow A^{\oplus r}

with a_ f = f^ N \varphi and b_ f = f^ N \varphi ^{-1} for some N. Moreover we may assume that a \circ b and b \circ a are equal to multiplication by f^{2N}. Thus we see that H^ i_ Z(M) is annihilated by f^{2N}J^ n, i.e., f^{2N}J^ n \subset \mathfrak a.

As U = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \setminus Z is quasi-compact we can find finitely many f_1, \ldots , f_ t and N_1, \ldots , N_ t such that U = \bigcup D(f_ j) and f_ j^{2N_ j}J^ n \subset \mathfrak a. Then V(I) = V(f_1, \ldots , f_ t) and since I is finitely generated we conclude I^ M \subset (f_1, \ldots , f_ t) for some M. All in all we see that J^ m \subset \mathfrak a for m \gg 0, for example m = M (2N_1 + \ldots + 2N_ t) n will do. \square

Lemma 51.7.4. Let A be a Noetherian ring. Let I \subset A be an ideal. Set Z = V(I). Let n \geq 0 be an integer. If H^ i_ Z(A) is finite for 0 \leq i \leq n, then the same is true for H^ i_ Z(M), 0 \leq i \leq n for any finite A-module M such that M_ f is a finite locally free A_ f-module for all f \in I.

Proof. The assumption that H^ i_ Z(A) is finite for 0 \leq i \leq n implies there exists an e \geq 0 such that I^ e annihilates H^ i_ Z(A) for 0 \leq i \leq n, see Lemma 51.7.1. Then Lemma 51.7.3 implies that H^ i_ Z(M), 0 \leq i \leq n is annihilated by I^ m for some m = m(M, i). We may take the same m for all 0 \leq i \leq n. Then Lemma 51.7.1 implies that H^ i_ Z(M) is finite for 0 \leq i \leq n as desired. \square

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