Definition 15.26.1. Let R be a ring. Let I \subset R be an ideal and a \in I. Let R[\frac{I}{a}] be the affine blowup algebra, see Algebra, Definition 10.70.1. Let M be an R-module. The strict transform of M along R \to R[\frac{I}{a}] is the R[\frac{I}{a}]-module
15.26 Blowing up and flatness
In this section we begin our discussion of results of the form: “After a blowup the strict transform becomes flat”. More results of this type may be found in Divisors, Section 31.35 and More on Flatness, Section 38.30.
The following is a very weak version of flattening by blowing up, but it is already sometimes a useful result.
Lemma 15.26.2. Let (R, \mathfrak m) be a local domain with fraction field K. Let S be a finite type R-algebra. Let M be a finite S-module. For every valuation ring A \subset K dominating R there exists an ideal I \subset \mathfrak m and a nonzero element a \in I such that
I is finitely generated,
A has center on R[\frac{I}{a}],
the fibre ring of R \to R[\frac{I}{a}] at \mathfrak m is not zero, and
the strict transform S_{I, a} of S along R \to R[\frac{I}{a}] is flat and of finite presentation over R, and the strict transform M_{I, a} of M along R \to R[\frac{I}{a}] is flat over R and finitely presented over S_{I, a}.
Proof. Write S = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/J and denote N = S \oplus M viewed as a module over P = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. If we can prove the lemma in case S is a polynomial algebra over R, then we can find I, a satisfying (1), (2), (3) such that the strict transform N_{I, a} of N along R \to R[\frac{I}{a}] is flat over R and finitely presented as a module over the strict transform P_{I, a}] of P. Since P_{I, a} = R[\frac{I}{a}][x_1, \ldots , x_ n] (small detail omitted) we find that the summand S_{I, a} \subset N_{I, a} is flat over R and finitely presented as a module over R[\frac{I}{a}][x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Hence S_{I, a} is finitely presented as an R[\frac{I}{a}]-algebra. Moreover, the summand M_{I, a} \subset N_{I, a} is flat over R and finitely presented as a module over P_{I, a} hence also finitely presented as a module over S_{I, a}, see Algebra, Lemma 10.6.4. This reduces us to the case discussed in the next paragraph.
Assume S = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Choose a presentation
Let M_ A be the quotient of M \otimes _ R A by its torsion submodule, see Lemma 15.22.2. Then M_ A is a finite module over S_ A = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. By Lemma 15.22.10 we see that M_ A is flat over A. By Lemma 15.25.6 we see that M_ A is finitely presented. Hence there exist finitely many elements k_1, \ldots , k_ t \in S_ A^{\oplus r} which generate the kernel of the presentation S_ A^{\oplus r} \to M_ A as an S_ A-module. For any choice of a \in I \subset \mathfrak m satisfying (1), (2), and (3) we denote M_{I, a} the strict transform of M along R \to R[\frac{I}{a}]. It is a finite module over S_{I, a} = R[\frac{I}{a}][x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. By Algebra, Lemma 10.70.12 we have A = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _{I, a} R[\frac{I}{a}]. This implies that S_ A = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits S_{I, a} and
Choose I, a and lifts k_1, \ldots , k_ t \in S_{I, a}^{\oplus r}. Since M_ A is the quotient of M \otimes _ R A by torsion, we see that the images of k_1, \ldots , k_ t in M \otimes _ R A are annihilated by a nonzero element \alpha \in A. After replacing I, a by a different pair (recall that the colimit is filtered), we may assume \alpha = x/a^ n for some x \in I^ n nonzero. Then we find that x k_1, \ldots , x k_ t map to zero in M \otimes _ R A. Hence after replacing I, a by a different pair we may assume x k_1, \ldots , x k_ t map to zero in M \otimes _ R R[\frac{I}{a}] for some nonzero x \in R. Then finally replacing I, a by xI, xa we find that we may assume k_1, \ldots , k_ t map to a-power torsion elements of M \otimes _ R R[\frac{I}{a}]. For any such pair (I, a) we set
Since M_ A = S_ A^{\oplus r}/ \sum S_ Ak_ j we see that M_ A = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _{I, a} M'_{I, a}. At this point we finally apply Algebra, Lemma 10.168.1 (3) to conclude that M'_{I, a} is flat for some pair (I, a) as above. This lemma does not apply a priori to the system of strict transforms
as the transition maps may not satisfy the assumptions of the lemma. But now, since flatness implies torsion free (Lemma 15.22.9) and since M_{I, a} is the quotient of M'_{I, a} (because we arranged it so the elements k_1, \ldots , k_ t map to zero in M_{I, a}) by the a-power torsion submodule we also conclude that M'_{I, a} = M_{I, a} for such a pair and we win. \square
Lemma 15.26.3. Let R be a ring. Let M be a finite R-module. Let k \geq 0 and I = \text{Fit}_ k(M). For every a \in I with R' = R[\frac{I}{a}] the strict transform
has \text{Fit}_ k(M') = R'.
Proof. First observe that \text{Fit}_ k(M \otimes _ R R') = IR' = aR'. The first equality by Lemma 15.8.4 part (3) and the second equality by Algebra, Lemma 10.70.2. From Lemma 15.8.9 and exactness of localization we see that M'_{\mathfrak p'} can be generated by \leq k elements for every prime \mathfrak p' of R'. Then \text{Fit}_ k(M') = R' for example by Lemma 15.8.7. \square
Lemma 15.26.4. Let R be a ring. Let M be a finite R-module. Let k \geq 0 and I = \text{Fit}_ k(M). Assume that M_\mathfrak p is free of rank k for every \mathfrak p \not\in V(I). Then for every a \in I with R' = R[\frac{I}{a}] the strict transform
is locally free of rank k.
Proof. By Lemma 15.26.3 we have \text{Fit}_ k(M') = R'. By Lemma 15.8.8 it suffices to show that \text{Fit}_{k - 1}(M') = 0. Recall that R' \subset R'_ a = R_ a, see Algebra, Lemma 10.70.2. Hence it suffices to prove that \text{Fit}_{k - 1}(M') maps to zero in R'_ a = R_ a. Since clearly (M')_ a = M_ a this reduces us to showing that \text{Fit}_{k - 1}(M_ a) = 0 because formation of Fitting ideals commutes with base change according to Lemma 15.8.4 part (3). This is true by our assumption that M_ a is finite locally free of rank k (see Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2) and the already cited Lemma 15.8.8. \square
Lemma 15.26.5. Let R be a ring. Let M be a finite R-module. Let f \in R be an element such that M_ f is finite locally free of rank r. Then there exists a finitely generated ideal I \subset R with V(f) = V(I) such that for all a \in I with R' = R[\frac{I}{a}] the strict transform
is locally free of rank r.
Proof. Choose a surjection R^{\oplus n} \to M. Choose a finite submodule K \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(R^{\oplus n} \to M) such that R^{\oplus n}/K \to M becomes an isomorphism after inverting f. This is possible because M_ f is of finite presentation for example by Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2. Set M_1 = R^{\oplus n}/K and suppose we can prove the lemma for M_1. Say I \subset R is the corresponding ideal. Then for a \in I the map
is surjective. It is also an isomorphism after inverting a in R' as R'_ a = R_ f, see Algebra, Lemma 10.70.7. But a is a nonzerodivisor on M'_1, whence the displayed map is an isomorphism. Thus it suffices to prove the lemma in case M is a finitely presented R-module.
Assume M is a finitely presented R-module. Then J = \text{Fit}_ r(M) \subset S is a finitely generated ideal. We claim that I = fJ works.
We first check that V(f) = V(I). The inclusion V(f) \subset V(I) is clear. Conversely, if f \not\in \mathfrak p, then \mathfrak p is not an element of V(J) by Lemma 15.8.7. Thus \mathfrak p \not\in V(fJ) = V(I).
Let a \in I and set R' = R[\frac{I}{a}]. We may write a = fb for some b \in J. By Algebra, Lemmas 10.70.2 and 10.70.8 we see that J R' = b R' and b is a nonzerodivisor in R'. Let \mathfrak p' \subset R' = R[\frac{I}{a}] be a prime ideal. Then JR'_{\mathfrak p'} is generated by b. It follows from Lemma 15.8.9 that M'_{\mathfrak p'} can be generated by r elements. Since M' is finite, there exist m_1, \ldots , m_ r \in M' and g \in R', g \not\in \mathfrak p' such that the corresponding map (R')^{\oplus r} \to M' becomes surjective after inverting g.
Finally, consider the ideal J' = \text{Fit}_{k - 1}(M'). Note that J' R'_ g is generated by the coefficients of relations between m_1, \ldots , m_ r (compatibility of Fitting ideal with base change). Thus it suffices to show that J' = 0, see Lemma 15.8.8. Since R'_ a = R_ f (Algebra, Lemma 10.70.7) and M'_ a = M_ f is free of rank r we see that J'_ a = 0. Since a is a nonzerodivisor in R' we conclude that J' = 0 and we win. \square
Comments (4)
Comment #2330 by Guignard on
Comment #2401 by Johan on
Comment #6767 by jok on
Comment #6768 by Johan on