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46.3 Adequate functors

In this section we discuss a topic closely related to direct images of quasi-coherent sheaves. Most of this material was taken from the paper [Jaffe].

Definition 46.3.1. Let A be a ring. A module-valued functor is a functor F : \textit{Alg}_ A \to \textit{Ab} such that

  1. for every object B of \textit{Alg}_ A the group F(B) is endowed with the structure of a B-module, and

  2. for any morphism B \to B' of \textit{Alg}_ A the map F(B) \to F(B') is B-linear.

A morphism of module-valued functors is a transformation of functors \varphi : F \to G such that F(B) \to G(B) is B-linear for all B \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\textit{Alg}_ A).

Let S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) be an affine scheme. The category of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A is equivalent to the category \textit{PMod}((\textit{Aff}/S)_\tau , \mathcal{O}) of presheaves of \mathcal{O}-modules. The equivalence is given by the rule which assigns to the module-valued functor F the presheaf \mathcal{F} defined by the rule \mathcal{F}(U) = F(\mathcal{O}(U)). This is clear from the equivalence (\textit{Aff}/S)_\tau \to \textit{Alg}_ A, U \mapsto \mathcal{O}(U) given in Section 46.2. The quasi-inverse sets F(B) = \mathcal{F}(\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B)).

An important special case of a module-valued functor comes about as follows. Let M be an A-module. Then we will denote \underline{M} the module-valued functor B \mapsto M \otimes _ A B (with obvious B-module structure). Note that if M \to N is a map of A-modules then there is an associated morphism \underline{M} \to \underline{N} of module-valued functors. Conversely, any morphism of module-valued functors \underline{M} \to \underline{N} comes from an A-module map M \to N as the reader can see by evaluating on B = A. In other words \text{Mod}_ A is a full subcategory of the category of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A.

Given and A-module map \varphi : M \to N then \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\underline{M} \to \underline{N}) = \underline{Q} where Q = \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(M \to N) because \otimes is right exact. But this isn't the case for the kernel in general: for example an injective map of A-modules need not be injective after base change. Thus the following definition makes sense.

Definition 46.3.2. Let A be a ring. A module-valued functor F on \textit{Alg}_ A is called

  1. adequate if there exists a map of A-modules M \to N such that F is isomorphic to \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\underline{M} \to \underline{N}).

  2. linearly adequate if F is isomorphic to the kernel of a map \underline{A^{\oplus n}} \to \underline{A^{\oplus m}}.

Note that F is adequate if and only if there exists an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{M} \to \underline{N} and F is linearly adequate if and only if there exists an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{A^{\oplus n}} \to \underline{A^{\oplus m}}.

Let A be a ring. In this section we will show the category of adequate functors on \textit{Alg}_ A is abelian (Lemmas 46.3.10 and 46.3.11) and has a set of generators (Lemma 46.3.6). We will also see that it is a weak Serre subcategory of the category of all module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A (Lemma 46.3.16) and that it has arbitrary colimits (Lemma 46.3.12).

Lemma 46.3.3. Let A be a ring. Let F be an adequate functor on \textit{Alg}_ A. If B = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits B_ i is a filtered colimit of A-algebras, then F(B) = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits F(B_ i).

Proof. This holds because for any A-module M we have M \otimes _ A B = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits M \otimes _ A B_ i (see Algebra, Lemma 10.12.9) and because filtered colimits commute with exact sequences, see Algebra, Lemma 10.8.8. \square

Remark 46.3.4. Consider the category \textit{Alg}_{fp, A} whose objects are A-algebras B of the form B = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(f_1, \ldots , f_ m) and whose morphisms are A-algebra maps. Every A-algebra B is a filtered colimit of finitely presented A-algebra, i.e., a filtered colimit of objects of \textit{Alg}_{fp, A}. By Lemma 46.3.3 we conclude every adequate functor F is determined by its restriction to \textit{Alg}_{fp, A}. For some questions we can therefore restrict to functors on \textit{Alg}_{fp, A}. For example, the category of adequate functors does not depend on the choice of the big \tau -site chosen in Section 46.2.

Lemma 46.3.5. Let A be a ring. Let F be an adequate functor on \textit{Alg}_ A. If B \to B' is flat, then F(B) \otimes _ B B' \to F(B') is an isomorphism.

Proof. Choose an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{M} \to \underline{N}. This gives the diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & F(B) \otimes _ B B' \ar[r] \ar[d] & (M \otimes _ A B)\otimes _ B B' \ar[r] \ar[d] & (N \otimes _ A B)\otimes _ B B' \ar[d] \\ 0 \ar[r] & F(B') \ar[r] & M \otimes _ A B' \ar[r] & N \otimes _ A B' }

where the rows are exact (the top one because B \to B' is flat). Since the right two vertical arrows are isomorphisms, so is the left one. \square

Lemma 46.3.6. Let A be a ring. Let F be an adequate functor on \textit{Alg}_ A. Then there exists a surjection L \to F with L a direct sum of linearly adequate functors.

Proof. Choose an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{M} \to \underline{N} where \underline{M} \to \underline{N} is given by \varphi : M \to N. By Lemma 46.3.3 it suffices to construct L \to F such that L(B) \to F(B) is surjective for every finitely presented A-algebra B. Hence it suffices to construct, given a finitely presented A-algebra B and an element \xi \in F(B) a map L \to F with L linearly adequate such that \xi is in the image of L(B) \to F(B). (Because there is a set worth of such pairs (B, \xi ) up to isomorphism.)

To do this write \sum _{i = 1, \ldots , n} m_ i \otimes b_ i the image of \xi in \underline{M}(B) = M \otimes _ A B. We know that \sum \varphi (m_ i) \otimes b_ i = 0 in N \otimes _ A B. As N is a filtered colimit of finitely presented A-modules, we can find a finitely presented A-module N', a commutative diagram of A-modules

\xymatrix{ A^{\oplus n} \ar[r] \ar[d]_{m_1, \ldots , m_ n} & N' \ar[d] \\ M \ar[r] & N }

such that (b_1, \ldots , b_ n) maps to zero in N' \otimes _ A B. Choose a presentation A^{\oplus l} \to A^{\oplus k} \to N' \to 0. Choose a lift A^{\oplus n} \to A^{\oplus k} of the map A^{\oplus n} \to N' of the diagram. Then we see that there exist (c_1, \ldots , c_ l) \in B^{\oplus l} such that (b_1, \ldots , b_ n, c_1, \ldots , c_ l) maps to zero in B^{\oplus k} under the map B^{\oplus n} \oplus B^{\oplus l} \to B^{\oplus k}. Consider the commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ A^{\oplus n} \oplus A^{\oplus l} \ar[r] \ar[d] & A^{\oplus k} \ar[d] \\ M \ar[r] & N }

where the left vertical arrow is zero on the summand A^{\oplus l}. Then we see that L equal to the kernel of \underline{A^{\oplus n + l}} \to \underline{A^{\oplus k}} works because the element (b_1, \ldots , b_ n, c_1, \ldots , c_ l) \in L(B) maps to \xi . \square

Consider a graded A-algebra B = \bigoplus _{d \geq 0} B_ d. Then there are two A-algebra maps p, a : B \to B[t, t^{-1}], namely p : b \mapsto b and a : b \mapsto t^{\deg (b)} b where b is homogeneous. If F is a module-valued functor on \textit{Alg}_ A, then we define
\begin{equation} \label{adequate-equation-weight-k} F(B)^{(k)} = \{ \xi \in F(B) \mid t^ k F(p)(\xi ) = F(a)(\xi )\} . \end{equation}

For functors which behave well with respect to flat ring extensions this gives a direct sum decomposition. This amounts to the fact that representations of \mathbf{G}_ m are completely reducible.

Lemma 46.3.7. Let A be a ring. Let F be a module-valued functor on \textit{Alg}_ A. Assume that for B \to B' flat the map F(B) \otimes _ B B' \to F(B') is an isomorphism. Let B be a graded A-algebra. Then

  1. F(B) = \bigoplus _{k \in \mathbf{Z}} F(B)^{(k)}, and

  2. the map B \to B_0 \to B induces map F(B) \to F(B) whose image is contained in F(B)^{(0)}.

Proof. Let x \in F(B). The map p : B \to B[t, t^{-1}] is free hence we know that

F(B[t, t^{-1}]) = \bigoplus \nolimits _{k \in \mathbf{Z}} F(p)(F(B)) \cdot t^ k = \bigoplus \nolimits _{k \in \mathbf{Z}} F(B) \cdot t^ k

as indicated we drop the F(p) in the rest of the proof. Write F(a)(x) = \sum t^ k x_ k for some x_ k \in F(B). Denote \epsilon : B[t, t^{-1}] \to B the B-algebra map t \mapsto 1. Note that the compositions \epsilon \circ p, \epsilon \circ a : B \to B[t, t^{-1}] \to B are the identity. Hence we see that

x = F(\epsilon )(F(a)(x)) = F(\epsilon )(\sum t^ k x_ k) = \sum x_ k.

On the other hand, we claim that x_ k \in F(B)^{(k)}. Namely, consider the commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ B \ar[r]_ a \ar[d]_{a'} & B[t, t^{-1}] \ar[d]^ f \\ B[s, s^{-1}] \ar[r]^-g & B[t, s, t^{-1}, s^{-1}] }

where a'(b) = s^{\deg (b)}b, f(b) = b, f(t) = st and g(b) = t^{\deg (b)}b and g(s) = s. Then

F(g)(F(a'))(x) = F(g)(\sum s^ k x_ k) = \sum s^ k F(a)(x_ k)

and going the other way we see

F(f)(F(a))(x) = F(f)(\sum t^ k x_ k) = \sum (st)^ k x_ k.

Since B \to B[s, t, s^{-1}, t^{-1}] is free we see that F(B[t, s, t^{-1}, s^{-1}]) = \bigoplus _{k, l \in \mathbf{Z}} F(B) \cdot t^ ks^ l and comparing coefficients in the expressions above we find F(a)(x_ k) = t^ k x_ k as desired.

Finally, the image of F(B_0) \to F(B) is contained in F(B)^{(0)} because B_0 \to B \xrightarrow {a} B[t, t^{-1}] is equal to B_0 \to B \xrightarrow {p} B[t, t^{-1}]. \square

As a particular case of Lemma 46.3.7 note that

\underline{M}(B)^{(k)} = M \otimes _ A B_ k

where B_ k is the degree k part of the graded A-algebra B.

Lemma 46.3.8. Let A be a ring. Given a solid diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & L \ar[d]_\varphi \ar[r] & \underline{A^{\oplus n}} \ar[r] \ar@{..>}[ld] & \underline{A^{\oplus m}} \\ & \underline{M} }

of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A with exact row there exists a dotted arrow making the diagram commute.

Proof. Suppose that the map A^{\oplus n} \to A^{\oplus m} is given by the m \times n-matrix (a_{ij}). Consider the ring B = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(\sum a_{ij}x_ j). The element (x_1, \ldots , x_ n) \in \underline{A^{\oplus n}}(B) maps to zero in \underline{A^{\oplus m}}(B) hence is the image of a unique element \xi \in L(B). Note that \xi has the following universal property: for any A-algebra C and any \xi ' \in L(C) there exists an A-algebra map B \to C such that \xi maps to \xi ' via the map L(B) \to L(C).

Note that B is a graded A-algebra, hence we can use Lemmas 46.3.7 and 46.3.5 to decompose the values of our functors on B into graded pieces. Note that \xi \in L(B)^{(1)} as (x_1, \ldots , x_ n) is an element of degree one in \underline{A^{\oplus n}}(B). Hence we see that \varphi (\xi ) \in \underline{M}(B)^{(1)} = M \otimes _ A B_1. Since B_1 is generated by x_1, \ldots , x_ n as an A-module we can write \varphi (\xi ) = \sum m_ i \otimes x_ i. Consider the map A^{\oplus n} \to M which maps the ith basis vector to m_ i. By construction the associated map \underline{A^{\oplus n}} \to \underline{M} maps the element \xi to \varphi (\xi ). It follows from the universal property mentioned above that the diagram commutes. \square

Lemma 46.3.9. Let A be a ring. Let \varphi : F \to \underline{M} be a map of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A with F adequate. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\varphi ) is adequate.

Proof. By Lemma 46.3.6 we may assume that F = \bigoplus L_ i is a direct sum of linearly adequate functors. Choose exact sequences 0 \to L_ i \to \underline{A^{\oplus n_ i}} \to \underline{A^{\oplus m_ i}}. For each i choose a map A^{\oplus n_ i} \to M as in Lemma 46.3.8. Consider the diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & \bigoplus L_ i \ar[r] \ar[d] & \bigoplus \underline{A^{\oplus n_ i}} \ar[r] \ar[ld] & \bigoplus \underline{A^{\oplus m_ i}} \\ & \underline{M} }

Consider the A-modules

Q = \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\bigoplus A^{\oplus n_ i} \to M \oplus \bigoplus A^{\oplus m_ i}) \quad \text{and}\quad P = \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\bigoplus A^{\oplus n_ i} \to \bigoplus A^{\oplus m_ i}).

Then we see that \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\varphi ) is isomorphic to the kernel of \underline{Q} \to \underline{P}. \square

Lemma 46.3.10.slogan Let A be a ring. Let \varphi : F \to G be a map of adequate functors on \textit{Alg}_ A. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\varphi ) is adequate.

Proof. Choose an injection G \to \underline{M}. Then we have an injection G/F \to \underline{M}/F. By Lemma 46.3.9 we see that \underline{M}/F is adequate, hence we can find an injection \underline{M}/F \to \underline{N}. Composing we obtain an injection G/F \to \underline{N}. By Lemma 46.3.9 the cokernel of the induced map G \to \underline{N} is adequate hence we can find an injection \underline{N}/G \to \underline{K}. Then 0 \to G/F \to \underline{N} \to \underline{K} is exact and we win. \square

Lemma 46.3.11. Let A be a ring. Let \varphi : F \to G be a map of adequate functors on \textit{Alg}_ A. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi ) is adequate.

Proof. Choose an injection F \to \underline{M} and an injection G \to \underline{N}. Denote F \to \underline{M \oplus N} the diagonal map so that

\xymatrix{ F \ar[d] \ar[r] & G \ar[d] \\ \underline{M \oplus N} \ar[r] & \underline{N} }

commutes. By Lemma 46.3.10 we can find a module map M \oplus N \to K such that F is the kernel of \underline{M \oplus N} \to \underline{K}. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi ) is the kernel of \underline{M \oplus N} \to \underline{K \oplus N}. \square

Lemma 46.3.12. Let A be a ring. An arbitrary direct sum of adequate functors on \textit{Alg}_ A is adequate. A colimit of adequate functors is adequate.

Proof. The statement on direct sums is immediate. A general colimit can be written as a kernel of a map between direct sums, see Categories, Lemma 4.14.12. Hence this follows from Lemma 46.3.11. \square

Lemma 46.3.13. Let A be a ring. Let F, G be module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A. Let \varphi : F \to G be a transformation of functors. Assume

  1. \varphi is additive,

  2. for every A-algebra B and \xi \in F(B) and unit u \in B^* we have \varphi (u\xi ) = u\varphi (\xi ) in G(B), and

  3. for any flat ring map B \to B' we have G(B) \otimes _ B B' = G(B').

Then \varphi is a morphism of module-valued functors.

Proof. Let B be an A-algebra, \xi \in F(B), and b \in B. We have to show that \varphi (b \xi ) = b \varphi (\xi ). Consider the ring map

B \to B' = B[x, y, x^{-1}, y^{-1}]/(x + y - b).

This ring map is faithfully flat, hence G(B) \subset G(B'). On the other hand

\varphi (b\xi ) = \varphi ((x + y)\xi ) = \varphi (x\xi ) + \varphi (y\xi ) = x\varphi (\xi ) + y\varphi (\xi ) = (x + y)\varphi (\xi ) = b\varphi (\xi )

because x, y are units in B'. Hence we win. \square

Lemma 46.3.14. Let A be a ring. Let 0 \to \underline{M} \to G \to L \to 0 be a short exact sequence of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A with L linearly adequate. Then G is adequate.

Proof. We first point out that for any flat A-algebra map B \to B' the map G(B) \otimes _ B B' \to G(B') is an isomorphism. Namely, this holds for \underline{M} and L, see Lemma 46.3.5 and hence follows for G by the five lemma. In particular, by Lemma 46.3.7 we see that G(B) = \bigoplus _{k \in \mathbf{Z}} G(B)^{(k)} for any graded A-algebra B.

Choose an exact sequence 0 \to L \to \underline{A^{\oplus n}} \to \underline{A^{\oplus m}}. Suppose that the map A^{\oplus n} \to A^{\oplus m} is given by the m \times n-matrix (a_{ij}). Consider the graded A-algebra B = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(\sum a_{ij}x_ j). The element (x_1, \ldots , x_ n) \in \underline{A^{\oplus n}}(B) maps to zero in \underline{A^{\oplus m}}(B) hence is the image of a unique element \xi \in L(B). Observe that \xi \in L(B)^{(1)}. The map

\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(B, C) \longrightarrow L(C), \quad f \longmapsto L(f)(\xi )

defines an isomorphism of functors. The reason is that f is determined by the images c_ i = f(x_ i) \in C which have to satisfy the relations \sum a_{ij}c_ j = 0. And L(C) is the set of n-tuples (c_1, \ldots , c_ n) satisfying the relations \sum a_{ij} c_ j = 0.

Since the value of each of the functors \underline{M}, G, L on B is a direct sum of its weight spaces (by the lemma mentioned above) exactness of 0 \to \underline{M} \to G \to L \to 0 implies the sequence 0 \to \underline{M}(B)^{(1)} \to G(B)^{(1)} \to L(B)^{(1)} \to 0 is exact. Thus we may choose an element \theta \in G(B)^{(1)} mapping to \xi .

Consider the graded A-algebra

C = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n, y_1, \ldots , y_ n]/ (\sum a_{ij}x_ j, \sum a_{ij}y_ j)

There are three graded A-algebra homomorphisms p_1, p_2, m : B \to C defined by the rules

p_1(x_ i) = x_ i, \quad p_1(x_ i) = y_ i, \quad m(x_ i) = x_ i + y_ i.

We will show that the element

\tau = G(m)(\theta ) - G(p_1)(\theta ) - G(p_2)(\theta ) \in G(C)

is zero. First, \tau maps to zero in L(C) by a direct calculation. Hence \tau is an element of \underline{M}(C). Moreover, since m, p_1, p_2 are graded algebra maps we see that \tau \in G(C)^{(1)} and since \underline{M} \subset G we conclude

\tau \in \underline{M}(C)^{(1)} = M \otimes _ A C_1.

We may write uniquely \tau = \underline{M}(p_1)(\tau _1) + \underline{M}(p_2)(\tau _2) with \tau _ i \in M \otimes _ A B_1 = \underline{M}(B)^{(1)} because C_1 = p_1(B_1) \oplus p_2(B_1). Consider the ring map q_1 : C \to B defined by x_ i \mapsto x_ i and y_ i \mapsto 0. Then \underline{M}(q_1)(\tau ) = \underline{M}(q_1)(\underline{M}(p_1)(\tau _1) + \underline{M}(p_2)(\tau _2)) = \tau _1. On the other hand, because q_1 \circ m = q_1 \circ p_1 we see that G(q_1)(\tau ) = - G(q_1 \circ p_2)(\tau ). Since q_1 \circ p_2 factors as B \to A \to B we see that G(q_1 \circ p_2)(\tau ) is in G(B)^{(0)}, see Lemma 46.3.7. Hence \tau _1 = 0 because it is in G(B)^{(0)} \cap \underline{M}(B)^{(1)} \subset G(B)^{(0)} \cap G(B)^{(1)} = 0. Similarly \tau _2 = 0, whence \tau = 0.

Since \theta \in G(B) we obtain a transformation of functors

\psi : L(-) = \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(B, - ) \longrightarrow G(-)

by mapping f : B \to C to G(f)(\theta ). Since \theta is a lift of \xi the map \psi is a right inverse of G \to L. In terms of \psi the statements proved above have the following meaning: \tau = 0 means that \psi is additive and \theta \in G(B)^{(1)} implies that for any A-algebra D we have \psi (ul) = u\psi (l) in G(D) for l \in L(D) and u \in D^* a unit. This implies that \psi is a morphism of module-valued functors, see Lemma 46.3.13. Clearly this implies that G \cong \underline{M} \oplus L and we win. \square

Remark 46.3.15. Let A be a ring. The proof of Lemma 46.3.14 shows that any extension 0 \to \underline{M} \to E \to L \to 0 of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A with L linearly adequate splits. It uses only the following properties of the module-valued functor F = \underline{M}:

  1. F(B) \otimes _ B B' \to F(B') is an isomorphism for a flat ring map B \to B', and

  2. F(C)^{(1)} = F(p_1)(F(B)^{(1)}) \oplus F(p_2)(F(B)^{(1)}) where B = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(\sum a_{ij}x_ j) and C = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n, y_1, \ldots , y_ n]/ (\sum a_{ij}x_ j, \sum a_{ij}y_ j).

These two properties hold for any adequate functor F; details omitted. Hence we see that L is a projective object of the abelian category of adequate functors.

Lemma 46.3.16. Let A be a ring. Let 0 \to F \to G \to H \to 0 be a short exact sequence of module-valued functors on \textit{Alg}_ A. If F and H are adequate, so is G.

Proof. Choose an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{M} \to \underline{N}. If we can show that (\underline{M} \oplus G)/F is adequate, then G is the kernel of the map of adequate functors (\underline{M} \oplus G)/F \to \underline{N}, hence adequate by Lemma 46.3.11. Thus we may assume F = \underline{M}.

We can choose a surjection L \to H where L is a direct sum of linearly adequate functors, see Lemma 46.3.6. If we can show that the pullback G \times _ H L is adequate, then G is the cokernel of the map \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(L \to H) \to G \times _ H L hence adequate by Lemma 46.3.10. Thus we may assume that H = \bigoplus L_ i is a direct sum of linearly adequate functors. By Lemma 46.3.14 each of the pullbacks G \times _ H L_ i is adequate. By Lemma 46.3.12 we see that \bigoplus G \times _ H L_ i is adequate. Then G is the cokernel of

\bigoplus \nolimits _{i \not= i'} F \longrightarrow \bigoplus G \times _ H L_ i

where \xi in the summand (i, i') maps to (0, \ldots , 0, \xi , 0, \ldots , 0, -\xi , 0, \ldots , 0) with nonzero entries in the summands i and i'. Thus G is adequate by Lemma 46.3.10. \square

Lemma 46.3.17. Let A \to A' be a ring map. If F is an adequate functor on \textit{Alg}_ A, then its restriction F' to \textit{Alg}_{A'} is adequate too.

Proof. Choose an exact sequence 0 \to F \to \underline{M} \to \underline{N}. Then F'(B') = F(B') = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M \otimes _ A B' \to N \otimes _ A B'). Since M \otimes _ A B' = M \otimes _ A A' \otimes _{A'} B' and similarly for N we see that F' is the kernel of \underline{M \otimes _ A A'} \to \underline{N \otimes _ A A'}. \square

Lemma 46.3.18. Let A \to A' be a ring map. If F' is an adequate functor on \textit{Alg}_{A'}, then the module-valued functor F : B \mapsto F'(A' \otimes _ A B) on \textit{Alg}_ A is adequate too.

Proof. Choose an exact sequence 0 \to F' \to \underline{M'} \to \underline{N'}. Then

\begin{align*} F(B) & = F'(A' \otimes _ A B) \\ & = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M' \otimes _{A'} ( A' \otimes _ A B) \to N' \otimes _{A'} (A' \otimes _ A B)) \\ & = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M' \otimes _ A B \to N' \otimes _ A B) \end{align*}

Thus F is the kernel of \underline{M} \to \underline{N} where M = M' and N = N' viewed as A-modules. \square

Lemma 46.3.19. Let A = A_1 \times \ldots \times A_ n be a product of rings. An adequate functor over A is the same thing as a sequence F_1, \ldots , F_ n of adequate functors F_ i over A_ i.

Proof. This is true because an A-algebra B is canonically a product B_1 \times \ldots \times B_ n and the same thing holds for A-modules. Setting F(B) = \coprod F_ i(B_ i) gives the correspondence. Details omitted. \square

Lemma 46.3.20. Let A \to A' be a ring map and let F be a module-valued functor on \textit{Alg}_ A such that

  1. the restriction F' of F to the category of A'-algebras is adequate, and

  2. for any A-algebra B the sequence

    0 \to F(B) \to F(B \otimes _ A A') \to F(B \otimes _ A A' \otimes _ A A')

    is exact.

Then F is adequate.

Proof. The functors B \to F(B \otimes _ A A') and B \mapsto F(B \otimes _ A A' \otimes _ A A') are adequate, see Lemmas 46.3.18 and 46.3.17. Hence F as a kernel of a map of adequate functors is adequate, see Lemma 46.3.11. \square

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