Statistics for tag 07RP
tag creation | last update | |
May 17, 2012 | Jul 27, 2012 | more history |
Complexity measure
metric | value |
number of results in proof | 2 |
number of results used in preliminary results | 442 |
number of chapters used | 14 |
number of sections used | 102 |
number of results (indirectly) using this tag | 907 |
Tags (directly) using this result
- Lemma 32.8.11
in Section 32.8: Descending properties of morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 32.8.12
in Section 32.8: Descending properties of morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 32.20.4
in Section 32.20: Glueing in closed fibres
(go to statistics) - Lemma 32.21.2
in Section 32.21: Application to modifications
(go to statistics) - Lemma 34.13.2
in Section 34.13: Extending functors
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.39.3
in Section 37.39: Étale neighbourhoods and Artin approximation
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.56.1
in Section 37.56: Improving morphisms of relative dimension one
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.74.4
in Section 37.74: Universally open morphisms
(go to statistics) - Proposition 41.20.6
in Section 41.20: Descending étale morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.9.1
in Section 58.9: Finite étale covers of proper schemes
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.9.2
in Section 58.9: Finite étale covers of proper schemes
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.9.3
in Section 58.9: Finite étale covers of proper schemes
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.10.7
in Section 58.10: Local connectedness
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.14.1
in Section 58.14: Geometric and arithmetic fundamental groups
(go to statistics) - Proposition 58.26.4
in Section 58.26: Purity in local case, III
(go to statistics) - Lemma 59.51.2
in Section 59.51: Colimits
(go to statistics) - Lemma 59.73.10
in Section 59.73: More on constructible sheaves
(go to statistics) - Lemma 59.89.1
in Section 59.89: Smooth base change
(go to statistics) - Lemma 61.19.4
in Section 61.19: Comparison with the étale site
(go to statistics) - Lemma 70.6.2
in Section 70.6: Descending properties of morphisms
(go to statistics) - Lemma 70.7.1
in Section 70.7: Descending relative objects
(go to statistics)