Lemma 81.14.7. Let B be an algebraic space of finite type over \mathbf{Z}. Let U be an algebraic space of finite type and separated over B. Let (U_2 \subset U, f : U_1 \to U) be an elementary distinguished square. Assume U_1 and U_2 have compactifications over B and U_1 \times _ U U_2 \to U has dense image. Then U has a compactification over B.
Proof. Choose a compactification U_ i \subset X_ i over B for i = 1, 2. We may assume U_ i is scheme theoretically dense in X_ i. We may assume there is an open V_ i \subset X_ i and a proper morphism \psi _ i : V_ i \to U extending U_ i \to U, see Lemma 81.14.6. Picture
Denote Z_1 \subset U the reduced closed subspace corresponding to the closed subset |U| \setminus |U_2|. Recall that f^{-1}Z_1 is a closed subspace of U_1 mapping isomorphically to Z_1. Denote Z_2 \subset U the reduced closed subspace corresponding to the closed subset |U| \setminus \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(|f|) = |U_2| \setminus \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(|U_1 \times _ U U_2| \to |U_2|). Thus we have
set theoretically. Denote Z_{i, i} \subset V_ i the inverse image of Z_ i under \psi _ i. Observe that \psi _2 is an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of Z_2. Observe that Z_{1, 1} = \psi _1^{-1}Z_1 = f^{-1}Z_1 \amalg T for some closed subspace T \subset V_1 disjoint from f^{-1}Z_1 and furthermore \psi _1 is étale along f^{-1}Z_1. Denote Z_{i, j} \subset V_ i the inverse image of Z_ j under \psi _ i. Observe that \psi _ i : Z_{i, j} \to Z_ j is a proper morphism. Since Z_ i and Z_ j are disjoint closed subspaces of U, we see that Z_{i, i} and Z_{i, j} are disjoint closed subspaces of V_ i.
Denote \overline{Z}_{i, i} and \overline{Z}_{i, j} the scheme theoretic images of Z_{i, i} and Z_{i, j} in X_ i. We recall that |Z_{i, j}| is dense in |\overline{Z}_{i, j}|, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.17.7. After replacing X_ i by a V_ i-admissible blowup we may assume that \overline{Z}_{i, i} and \overline{Z}_{i, j} are disjoint, see Lemma 81.14.2. We assume this holds for both X_1 and X_2. Observe that this property is preserved if we replace X_ i by a further V_ i-admissible blowup. Hence we may replace X_1 by another V_1-admissible blowup and assume |\overline{Z}_{1, 1}| is the disjoint union of the closures of |T| and |f^{-1}Z_1| in |X_1|.
Set V_{12} = V_1 \times _ U V_2. We have an immersion V_{12} \to X_1 \times _ B X_2 which is the composition of the closed immersion V_{12} = V_1 \times _ U V_2 \to V_1 \times _ B V_2 (Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.4.5) and the open immersion V_1 \times _ B V_2 \to X_1 \times _ B X_2. Let X_{12} \subset X_1 \times _ B X_2 be the scheme theoretic image of V_{12} \to X_1 \times _ B X_2. The projection morphisms
are proper as X_1 and X_2 are proper over B. If we replace X_1 by a V_1-admissible blowing up, then X_{12} is replaced by the strict transform with respect to this blowing up, see Lemma 81.14.5.
Denote \psi : V_{12} \to U the compositions \psi = \psi _1 \circ p_1|_{V_{12}} = \psi _2 \circ p_2|_{V_{12}}. Consider the closed subspace
The morphism p_1|_{V_{12}} : V_{12} \to V_1 is an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of Z_{1, 2} because \psi _2 : V_2 \to U is an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of Z_2 and V_{12} = V_1 \times _ U V_2. By Lemma 81.14.3 there exists a V_1-admissible blowing up X_1' \to X_1 such that the strict transform p'_1 : X'_{12} \to X'_1 of p_1 is an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of the closure of |Z_{1, 2}| in |X'_1|. After replacing X_1 by X'_1 and X_{12} by X'_{12} we may assume that p_1 is an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of |\overline{Z}_{1, 2}|.
The result of the previous paragraph tells us that
where the intersection taken in X_1 \times _ B X_2. Namely, the inverse image p_1^{-1}\overline{Z}_{1, 2} in X_{12} maps isomorphically to \overline{Z}_{1, 2}. In particular, we see that |Z_{12, 2}| is dense in |p_1^{-1}\overline{Z}_{1, 2}|. Thus p_2 maps |p_1^{-1}\overline{Z}_{1, 2}| into |\overline{Z}_{2, 2}|. Since |\overline{Z}_{2, 2}| \cap |\overline{Z}_{2, 1}| = \emptyset we conclude.
It turns out that we need to do one additional blowing up before we can conclude the argument. Namely, let V_2 \subset W_2 \subset X_2 be the open subspace with underlying topological space
Since p_2(p_1^{-1}\overline{Z}_{1, 2}) is contained in W_2 (see above) we see that replacing X_2 by a W_2-admissible blowup and X_{21} by the corresponding strict transform will preserve the property of p_1 being an isomorphism over an open neighbourhood of \overline{Z}_{1, 2}. Since \overline{Z}_{2, 1} \cap W_2 = \overline{Z}_{2, 1} \cap V_2 = Z_{2, 1} we see that Z_{2, 1} is a closed subspace of W_2 and V_2. Observe that V_{12} = V_1 \times _ U V_2 = p_1^{-1}(V_1) = p_2^{-1}(V_2) as open subspaces of X_{12} as it is the largest open subspace of X_{12} over which the morphism \psi : V_{12} \to U extends; details omitted1. We have the following equalities of closed subspaces of V_{12}:
Here and below we use the slight abuse of notation of writing p_2 in stead of the restriction of p_2 to V_{12}, etc. Since p_2^{-1}(Z_{2, 1}) is a closed subspace of p_2^{-1}(W_2) as Z_{2, 1} is a closed subspace of W_2 we conclude that also p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1 is a closed subspace of p_2^{-1}(W_2). Finally, the morphism p_2 : X_{12} \to X_2 is étale at points of p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1 as \psi _1 is étale along f^{-1}Z_1 and V_{12} = V_1 \times _ U V_2. Thus we may apply Lemma 81.14.4 to the morphism p_2 : X_{12} \to X_2, the open W_2, the closed subspace Z_{2, 1} \subset W_2, and the closed subspace p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1 \subset p_2^{-1}(W_2). Hence after replacing X_2 by a W_2-admissible blowup and X_{12} by the corresponding strict transform, we obtain for every geometric point \overline{y} of the closure of |p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1| a local ring map \mathcal{O}_{X_{12}, \overline{y}} \to \mathcal{O} such that \mathcal{O}_{X_2, p_2(\overline{y})} \to \mathcal{O} is finite flat.
Consider the algebraic space
and with T \subset V_1 as in the first paragraph the algebraic space
obtained by pushout, see Lemma 81.9.2. Let us apply Lemma 81.14.1 to see that W_ i \to B is separated. First, U \to B and X_ i \to B are separated. Let us check the quasi-compact immersion U_ i \to U \times _ B (X_ i \setminus \overline{Z}_{i, j}) is closed using the valuative criterion, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.42.1. Choose a valuation ring A over B with fraction field K and compatible morphisms (u, x_ i) : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to U \times _ B X_ i and u_ i : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(K) \to U_ i. Since \psi _ i is proper, we can find a unique v_ i : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to V_ i compatible with u and u_ i. Since X_ i is proper over B we see that x_ i = v_ i. If v_ i does not factor through U_ i \subset V_ i, then we conclude that x_ i maps the closed point of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) into Z_{i, j} or T when i = 1. This finishes the proof because we removed \overline{Z}_{i, j} and \overline{T} in the construction of W_ i.
On the other hand, for any valuation ring A over B with fraction field K and any morphism
over B, we claim that after replacing A by an extension of valuation rings, there is an i and an extension of \gamma to a morphism h_ i : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to W_ i. Namely, we first extend \gamma to a morphism g_2 : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to X_2 using the valuative criterion of properness. If the image of g_2 does not meet \overline{Z}_{2, 1}, then we obtain our morphism into W_2. Otherwise, denote \overline{z} \in \overline{Z}_{2, 1} a geometric point lying over the image of the closed point under g_2. We may lift this to a geometric point \overline{y} of X_{12} in the closure of |p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1| because the map of spaces |p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1| \to |\overline{Z}_{2, 1}| is closed with image containing the dense open |Z_{2, 1}|. After replacing A by its strict henselization (More on Algebra, Lemma 15.123.6) we get the following diagram
where \mathcal{O}_{X_{12}, \overline{y}} \to \mathcal{O} is the map we found in the 5th paragraph of the proof. Since the horizontal composition is finite and flat we can find an extension of valuation rings A'/A and dotted arrow making the diagram commute. After replacing A by A' this means that we obtain a lift g_{12} : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to X_{12} whose closed point maps into the closure of |p_1^{-1}f^{-1}Z_1|. Then g_1 = p_1 \circ g_{12} : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to X_1 is a morphism whose closed point maps into the closure of |f^{-1}Z_1|. Since the closure of |f^{-1}Z_1| is disjoint from the closure of |T| and contained in |\overline{Z}_{1, 1}| which is disjoint from |\overline{Z}_{1, 2}| we conclude that g_1 defines a morphism h_1 : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to W_1 as desired.
Consider a diagram
as in More on Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 76.40.1. By the previous paragraph for every solid diagram
where \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\gamma ) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(U_1 \times _ U U_2 \to U) there is an i and an extension h_ i : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to W_ i of \gamma after possibly replacing A by an extension of valuation rings. Using the valuative criterion of properness for W'_ i \to W_ i, we can then lift h_ i to h'_ i : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \to W'_ i. Hence the dotted arrow in the diagram exists after possibly extending A. Since W is separated over B, we see that the choice of extension isn't needed and the arrow is unique as well, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas 67.41.5 and 67.43.1. Then finally the existence of the dotted arrow implies that W \to B is universally closed by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.42.5. As W \to B is already of finite type and separated, we win. \square
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