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50.18 Comparing sheaves of differential forms

The goal of this section is to compare the sheaves \Omega ^ p_{X/\mathbf{Z}} and \Omega ^ p_{Y/\mathbf{Z}} when given a locally quasi-finite syntomic morphism of schemes f : Y \to X. The result will be applied in Section 50.19 to the construction of the trace map on de Rham complexes if f is finite.

Lemma 50.18.1. Let R be a ring and consider a commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & K^0 \ar[r] & L^0 \ar[r] & M^0 \ar[r] & 0 \\ & & L^{-1} \ar[u]_\partial \ar@{=}[r] & M^{-1} \ar[u] }

of R-modules with exact top row and M^0 and M^{-1} finite free of the same rank. Then there are canonical maps

\wedge ^ i(H^0(L^\bullet )) \longrightarrow \wedge ^ i(K^0) \otimes _ R \det (M^\bullet )

whose composition with \wedge ^ i(K^0) \to \wedge ^ i(H^0(L^\bullet )) is equal to multiplication with \delta (M^\bullet ).

Proof. Say M^0 and M^{-1} are free of rank n. For every i \geq 0 there is a canonical surjection

\pi _ i : \wedge ^{n + i}(L^0) \longrightarrow \wedge ^ i(K^0) \otimes \wedge ^ n(M^0)

whose kernel is the submodule generated by wedges l_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge l_{n + i} such that > i of the l_ j are in K^0. On the other hand, the exact sequence

L^{-1} \to L^0 \to H^0(L^\bullet ) \to 0

similarly produces canonical maps

\wedge ^ i(H^0(L^\bullet )) \otimes \wedge ^ n(L^{-1}) \longrightarrow \wedge ^{n + i}(L^0)

by sending \eta \otimes \theta to \tilde\eta \wedge \partial (\theta ) where \tilde\eta \in \wedge ^ i(L^0) is a lift of \eta . The composition of these two maps, combined with the identification \wedge ^ n(L^{-1}) = \wedge ^ n(M^{-1}) gives a map

\wedge ^ i(H^0(L^\bullet )) \otimes \wedge ^ n(M^{-1}) \longrightarrow \wedge ^ i(K^0) \otimes \wedge ^ n(M^0)

Since \det (M^\bullet ) = \wedge ^ n(M^0) \otimes (\wedge ^ n(M^{-1}))^{\otimes -1} this produces a map as in the statement of the lemma. If \eta is the image of \omega \in \wedge ^ i(K^0), then we see that \theta \otimes \eta is mapped to \pi _ i(\omega \wedge \partial (\theta )) = \omega \otimes \overline{\theta } in \wedge ^ i(K^0) \otimes \wedge ^ n(M^0) where \overline{\theta } is the image of \theta in \wedge ^ n(M^0). Since \delta (M^\bullet ) is simply the determinant of the map M^{-1} \to M^0 this proves the last statement. \square

Remark 50.18.2. Let A be a ring. Let P = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Let f_1, \ldots , f_ n \in P and set B = P/(f_1, \ldots , f_ n). Assume A \to B is quasi-finite. Then B is a relative global complete intersection over A (Algebra, Definition 10.136.5) and (f_1, \ldots , f_ n)/(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)^2 is free with generators the classes \overline{f}_ i by Algebra, Lemma 10.136.12. Consider the following diagram

\xymatrix{ \Omega _{A/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _ A B \ar[r] & \Omega _{P/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _ P B \ar[r] & \Omega _{P/A} \otimes _ P B \\ & (f_1, \ldots , f_ n)/(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)^2 \ar[u] \ar@{=}[r] & (f_1, \ldots , f_ n)/(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)^2 \ar[u] }

The right column represents \mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A} in D(B) hence has cohomology \Omega _{B/A} in degree 0. The top row is the split short exact sequence 0 \to \Omega _{A/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _ A B \to \Omega _{P/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _ P B \to \Omega _{P/A} \otimes _ P B \to 0. The middle column has cohomology \Omega _{B/\mathbf{Z}} in degree 0 by Algebra, Lemma 10.131.9. Thus by Lemma 50.18.1 we obtain canonical B-module maps

\Omega ^ p_{B/\mathbf{Z}} \longrightarrow \Omega ^ p_{A/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _ A \det (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A})

whose composition with \Omega ^ p_{A/\mathbf{Z}} \to \Omega ^ p_{B/\mathbf{Z}} is multiplication by \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A}).

Lemma 50.18.3. There exists a unique rule that to every locally quasi-finite syntomic morphism of schemes f : Y \to X assigns \mathcal{O}_ Y-module maps

c^ p_{Y/X} : \Omega ^ p_{Y/\mathbf{Z}} \longrightarrow f^*\Omega ^ p_{X/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \det (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X})

satisfying the following two properties

  1. the composition with f^*\Omega ^ p_{X/\mathbf{Z}} \to \Omega ^ p_{Y/\mathbf{Z}} is multiplication by \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}), and

  2. the rule is compatible with restriction to opens and with base change.

Proof. This proof is very similar to the proof of Discriminants, Proposition 49.13.2 and we suggest the reader look at that proof first. We fix p \geq 0 throughout the proof.

Let us reformulate the statement. Consider the category \mathcal{C} whose objects, denoted Y/X, are locally quasi-finite syntomic morphism f : Y \to X of schemes and whose morphisms b/a : Y'/X' \to Y/X are commutative diagrams

\xymatrix{ Y' \ar[d]_{f'} \ar[r]_ b & Y \ar[d]^ f \\ X' \ar[r]^ a & X }

which induce an isomorphism of Y' with an open subscheme of X' \times _ X Y. The lemma means that for every object Y/X of \mathcal{C} we have maps c^ p_{Y/X} with property (1) and for every morphism b/a : Y'/X' \to Y/X of \mathcal{C} we have b^*c^ p_{Y/X} = c^ p_{Y'/X'} via the identifications b^*\det (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) = \det (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y'/X'}) (Discriminants, Section 49.13) and b^*\Omega ^ p_{Y/X} = \Omega ^ p_{Y'/X'} (Lemma 50.2.1).

Given Y/X in \mathcal{C} and y \in Y we can find an affine open V \subset Y and U \subset X with f(V) \subset U such that there exists some maps

\Omega ^ p_{Y/\mathbf{Z}}|_ V \longrightarrow \left( f^*\Omega ^ p_{X/\mathbf{Z}} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \det (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) \right)|_ V

with property (1). This follows from picking affine opens as in Discriminants, Lemma 49.10.1 part (5) and Remark 50.18.2. If \Omega ^ p_{X/\mathbf{Z}} is finite locally free and annihilator of the section \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) is zero, then these local maps are unique and automatically glue!

Let \mathcal{C}_{nice} \subset \mathcal{C} denote the full subcategory of Y/X such that

  1. X is of finite type over \mathbf{Z},

  2. \Omega _{X/\mathbf{Z}} is locally free, and

  3. the annihilator of \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) is zero.

By the remarks in the previous paragraph, we see that for any object Y/X of \mathcal{C}_{nice} we have a unique map c^ p_{Y/X} satisfying condition (1). If b/a : Y'/X' \to Y/X is a morphism of \mathcal{C}_{nice}, then b^*c^ p_{Y/X} is equal to c^ p_{Y'/X'} because b^*\delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) = \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y'/X'}) (see Discriminants, Section 49.13). In other words, we have solved the problem on the full subcategory \mathcal{C}_{nice}. For Y/X in \mathcal{C}_{nice} we continue to denote c^ p_{Y/X} the solution we've just found.

Consider morphisms

Y_1/X_1 \xleftarrow {b_1/a_1} Y/X \xrightarrow {b_2/a_2} Y_2/X_2

in \mathcal{C} such that Y_1/X_1 and Y_2/X_2 are objects of \mathcal{C}_{nice}. Claim. b_1^*c^ p_{Y_1/X_1} = b_2^*c^ p_{Y_2/X_2}. We will first show that the claim implies the lemma and then we will prove the claim.

Let d, n \geq 1 and consider the locally quasi-finite syntomic morphism Y_{n, d} \to X_{n, d} constructed in Discriminants, Example 49.10.5. Then Y_{n, d} and Y_{n, d} are irreducible schemes of finite type and smooth over \mathbf{Z}. Namely, X_{n, d} is a spectrum of a polynomial ring over \mathbf{Z} and Y_{n, d} is an open subscheme of such. The morphism Y_{n, d} \to X_{n, d} is locally quasi-finite syntomic and étale over a dense open, see Discriminants, Lemma 49.10.6. Thus \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d}}) is nonzero: for example we have the local description of \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/X}) in Discriminants, Remark 49.13.1 and we have the local description of étale morphisms in Morphisms, Lemma 29.36.15 part (8). Now a nonzero section of an invertible module over an irreducible regular scheme has vanishing annihilator. Thus Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d} is an object of \mathcal{C}_{nice}.

Let Y/X be an arbitrary object of \mathcal{C}. Let y \in Y. By Discriminants, Lemma 49.10.7 we can find n, d \geq 1 and morphisms

Y/X \leftarrow V/U \xrightarrow {b/a} Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d}

of \mathcal{C} such that V \subset Y and U \subset X are open. Thus we can pullback the canonical morphism c^ p_{Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d}} constructed above by b to V. The claim guarantees these local isomorphisms glue! Thus we get a well defined global maps c^ p_{Y/X} with property (1). If b/a : Y'/X' \to Y/X is a morphism of \mathcal{C}, then the claim also implies that the similarly constructed map c^ p_{Y'/X'} is the pullback by b of the locally constructed map c^ p_{Y/X}. Thus it remains to prove the claim.

In the rest of the proof we prove the claim. We may pick a point y \in Y and prove the maps agree in an open neighbourhood of y. Thus we may replace Y_1, Y_2 by open neighbourhoods of the image of y in Y_1 and Y_2. Thus we may assume Y, X, Y_1, X_1, Y_2, X_2 are affine. We may write X = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits X_\lambda as a cofiltered limit of affine schemes of finite type over X_1 \times X_2. For each \lambda we get

Y_1 \times _{X_1} X_\lambda \quad \text{and}\quad X_\lambda \times _{X_2} Y_2

If we take limits we obtain

\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits Y_1 \times _{X_1} X_\lambda = Y_1 \times _{X_1} X \supset Y \subset X \times _{X_2} Y_2 = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits X_\lambda \times _{X_2} Y_2

By Limits, Lemma 32.4.11 we can find a \lambda and opens V_{1, \lambda } \subset Y_1 \times _{X_1} X_\lambda and V_{2, \lambda } \subset X_\lambda \times _{X_2} Y_2 whose base change to X recovers Y (on both sides). After increasing \lambda we may assume there is an isomorphism V_{1, \lambda } \to V_{2, \lambda } whose base change to X is the identity on Y, see Limits, Lemma 32.10.1. Then we have the commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ & Y/X \ar[d] \ar[ld]_{b_1/a_1} \ar[rd]^{b_2/a_2} \\ Y_1/X_1 & V_{1, \lambda }/X_\lambda \ar[l] \ar[r] & Y_2/X_2 }

Thus it suffices to prove the claim for the lower row of the diagram and we reduce to the case discussed in the next paragraph.

Assume Y, X, Y_1, X_1, Y_2, X_2 are affine of finite type over \mathbf{Z}. Write X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A), X_ i = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_ i). The ring map A_1 \to A corresponding to X \to X_1 is of finite type and hence we may choose a surjection A_1[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] \to A. Similarly, we may choose a surjection A_2[y_1, \ldots , y_ m] \to A. Set X'_1 = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_1[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]) and X'_2 = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_2[y_1, \ldots , y_ m]). Observe that \Omega _{X'_1/\mathbf{Z}} is the direct sum of the pullback of \Omega _{X_1/\mathbf{Z}} and a finite free module. Similarly for X'_2. Set Y'_1 = Y_1 \times _{X_1} X'_1 and Y'_2 = Y_2 \times _{X_2} X'_2. We get the following diagram

Y_1/X_1 \leftarrow Y'_1/X'_1 \leftarrow Y/X \rightarrow Y'_2/X'_2 \rightarrow Y_2/X_2

Since X'_1 \to X_1 and X'_2 \to X_2 are flat, the same is true for Y'_1 \to Y_1 and Y'_2 \to Y_2. It follows easily that the annihilators of \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y'_1/X'_1}) and \delta (\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y'_2/X'_2}) are zero. Hence Y'_1/X'_1 and Y'_2/X'_2 are in \mathcal{C}_{nice}. Thus the outer morphisms in the displayed diagram are morphisms of \mathcal{C}_{nice} for which we know the desired compatibilities. Thus it suffices to prove the claim for Y'_1/X'_1 \leftarrow Y/X \rightarrow Y'_2/X'_2. This reduces us to the case discussed in the next paragraph.

Assume Y, X, Y_1, X_1, Y_2, X_2 are affine of finite type over \mathbf{Z} and X \to X_1 and X \to X_2 are closed immersions. Consider the open embeddings Y_1 \times _{X_1} X \supset Y \subset X \times _{X_2} Y_2. There is an open neighbourhood V \subset Y of y which is a standard open of both Y_1 \times _{X_1} X and X \times _{X_2} Y_2. This follows from Schemes, Lemma 26.11.5 applied to the scheme obtained by glueing Y_1 \times _{X_1} X and X \times _{X_2} Y_2 along Y; details omitted. Since X \times _{X_2} Y_2 is a closed subscheme of Y_2 we can find a standard open V_2 \subset Y_2 such that V_2 \times _{X_2} X = V. Similarly, we can find a standard open V_1 \subset Y_1 such that V_1 \times _{X_1} X = V. After replacing Y, Y_1, Y_2 by V, V_1, V_2 we reduce to the case discussed in the next paragraph.

Assume Y, X, Y_1, X_1, Y_2, X_2 are affine of finite type over \mathbf{Z} and X \to X_1 and X \to X_2 are closed immersions and Y_1 \times _{X_1} X = Y = X \times _{X_2} Y_2. Write X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A), X_ i = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_ i), Y = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B), Y_ i = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B_ i). Then we can consider the affine schemes

X' = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_1 \times _ A A_2) = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') \quad \text{and}\quad Y' = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B_1 \times _ B B_2) = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B')

Observe that X' = X_1 \amalg _ X X_2 and Y' = Y_1 \amalg _ Y Y_2, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.1. By More on Algebra, Lemma 15.5.1 the rings A' and B' are of finite type over \mathbf{Z}. By More on Algebra, Lemma 15.6.4 we have B' \otimes _ A A_1 = B_1 and B' \times _ A A_2 = B_2. In particular a fibre of Y' \to X' over a point of X' = X_1 \amalg _ X X_2 is always equal to either a fibre of Y_1 \to X_1 or a fibre of Y_2 \to X_2. By More on Algebra, Lemma 15.6.8 the ring map A' \to B' is flat. Thus by Discriminants, Lemma 49.10.1 part (3) we conclude that Y'/X' is an object of \mathcal{C}. Consider now the commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ & Y/X \ar[ld]_{b_1/a_1} \ar[rd]^{b_2/a_2} \\ Y_1/X_1 \ar[rd] & & Y_2/X_2 \ar[ld] \\ & Y'/X' }

Now we would be done if Y'/X' is an object of \mathcal{C}_{nice}, but this is almost never the case. Namely, then pulling back c^ p_{Y'/X'} around the two sides of the square, we would obtain the desired conclusion. To get around the problem that Y'/X' is not in \mathcal{C}_{nice} we note the arguments above show that, after possibly shrinking all of the schemes X, Y, X_1, Y_1, X_2, Y_2, X', Y' we can find some n, d \geq 1, and extend the diagram like so:

\xymatrix{ & Y/X \ar[ld]_{b_1/a_1} \ar[rd]^{b_2/a_2} \\ Y_1/X_1 \ar[rd] & & Y_2/X_2 \ar[ld] \\ & Y'/X' \ar[d] \\ & Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d} }

and then we can use the already given argument by pulling back from c^ p_{Y_{n, d}/X_{n, d}}. This finishes the proof. \square

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