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Lemma 86.5.1. In diagram ( assume in addition g : Y' \to Y is a morphism of affine schemes and f : X \to Y is proper. Then the base change map ( induces an isomorphism

L(g')^*a(K) \longrightarrow a'(Lg^*K)

in the following cases

  1. for all K \in D_\mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_ X) if f is flat of finite presentation,

  2. for all K \in D_\mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_ X) if f is perfect and Y Noetherian,

  3. for K \in D_\mathit{QCoh}^+(\mathcal{O}_ X) if g has finite Tor dimension and Y Noetherian.

Proof. Write Y = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and Y' = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A'). As a base change of an affine morphism, the morphism g' is affine. Let M be a perfect generator for D_\mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_ X), see Derived Categories of Spaces, Theorem 75.15.4. Then L(g')^*M is a generator for D_\mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_{X'}), see Derived Categories of Spaces, Remark 75.15.5. Hence it suffices to show that ( induces an isomorphism
\begin{equation} \label{spaces-duality-equation-iso} R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{X'}(L(g')^*M, L(g')^*a(K)) \longrightarrow R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{X'}(L(g')^*M, a'(Lg^*K)) \end{equation}

of global hom complexes, see Cohomology on Sites, Section 21.36, as this will imply the cone of L(g')^*a(K) \to a'(Lg^*K) is zero. The structure of the proof is as follows: we will first show that these Hom complexes are isomorphic and in the last part of the proof we will show that the isomorphism is induced by (

The left hand side. Because M is perfect, the canonical map

R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ X(M, a(K)) \otimes ^\mathbf {L}_ A A' \longrightarrow R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{X'}(L(g')^*M, L(g')^*a(K))

is an isomorphism by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.20.5. We can combine this with the isomorphism R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ Y(Rf_*M, K) = R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ X(M, a(K)) of Lemma 86.3.7 to get that the left hand side equals R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ Y(Rf_*M, K) \otimes ^\mathbf {L}_ A A'.

The right hand side. Here we first use the isomorphism

R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{X'}(L(g')^*M, a'(Lg^*K)) = R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{Y'}(Rf'_*L(g')^*M, Lg^*K)

of Lemma 86.3.7. Since f and g are Tor independent the base change map Lg^*Rf_*M \to Rf'_*L(g')^*M is an isomorphism by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.20.4. Hence we may rewrite this as R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{Y'}(Lg^*Rf_*M, Lg^*K). Since Y, Y' are affine and K, Rf_*M are in D_\mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_ Y) (Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.6.1) we have a canonical map

\beta : R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ Y(Rf_*M, K) \otimes ^\mathbf {L}_ A A' \longrightarrow R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{Y'}(Lg^*Rf_*M, Lg^*K)

in D(A'). This is the arrow More on Algebra, Equation ( where we have used Derived Categories of Schemes, Lemmas 36.3.5 and 36.10.8 to translate back and forth into algebra.

  1. If f is flat and of finite presentation, the complex Rf_*M is perfect on Y by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.25.4 and \beta is an isomorphism by More on Algebra, Lemma 15.99.2 part (1).

  2. If f is perfect and Y Noetherian, the complex Rf_*M is perfect on Y by More on Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 76.47.5 and \beta is an isomorphism as before.

  3. If g has finite tor dimension and Y is Noetherian, the complex Rf_*M is pseudo-coherent on Y (Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemmas 75.8.1 and 75.13.7) and \beta is an isomorphism by More on Algebra, Lemma 15.99.2 part (4).

We conclude that we obtain the same answer as in the previous paragraph.

In the rest of the proof we show that the identifications of the left and right hand side of ( given in the second and third paragraph are in fact given by ( To make our formulas manageable we will use (-, -)_ X = R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ X(-, -), use - \otimes A' in stead of - \otimes _ A^\mathbf {L} A', and we will abbreviate g^* = Lg^* and f_* = Rf_*. Consider the following commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ ((g')^*M, (g')^*a(K))_{X'} \ar[d] & (M, a(K))_ X \otimes A' \ar[l]^-\alpha \ar[d] & (f_*M, K)_ Y \otimes A' \ar@{=}[l] \ar[d] \\ ((g')^*M, (g')^*a(g_*g^*K))_{X'} & (M, a(g_*g^*K))_ X \otimes A' \ar[l]^-\alpha & (f_*M, g_*g^*K)_ Y \otimes A' \ar@{=}[l] \ar@/_4pc/[dd]_{\mu '} \\ ((g')^*M, (g')^*g'_*a'(g^*K))_{X'} \ar[u] \ar[d] & (M, g'_*a'(g^*K))_ X \otimes A' \ar[u] \ar[l]^-\alpha \ar[ld]^\mu & (f_*M, K) \otimes A' \ar[d]^\beta \\ ((g')^*M, a'(g^*K))_{X'} & (f'_*(g')^*M, g^*K)_{Y'} \ar@{=}[l] \ar[r] & (g^*f_*M, g^*K)_{Y'} }

The arrows labeled \alpha are the maps from Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.20.5 for the diagram with corners X', X, Y', Y. The upper part of the diagram is commutative as the horizontal arrows are functorial in the entries. The middle vertical arrows come from the invertible transformation g'_* \circ a' \to a \circ g_* of Lemma 86.4.1 and therefore the middle square is commutative. Going down the left hand side is ( The upper horizontal arrows provide the identifications used in the second paragraph of the proof. The lower horizontal arrows including \beta provide the identifications used in the third paragraph of the proof. Given E \in D(A), E' \in D(A'), and c : E \to E' in D(A) we will denote \mu _ c : E \otimes A' \to E' the map induced by c and the adjointness of restriction and base change; if c is clear we write \mu = \mu _ c, i.e., we drop c from the notation. The map \mu in the diagram is of this form with c given by the identification (M, g'_*a(g^*K))_ X = ((g')^*M, a'(g^*K))_{X'} ; the triangle involving \mu is commutative by Derived Categories of Spaces, Remark 75.20.6.

Observe that

\xymatrix{ (M, a(g_*g^*K))_ X & (f_*M, g_* g^*K)_ Y \ar@{=}[l] & (g^*f_*M, g^*K)_{Y'} \ar@{=}[l] \\ (M, g'_* a'(g^*K))_ X \ar[u] & ((g')^*M, a'(g^*K))_{X'} \ar@{=}[l] & (f'_*(g')^*M, g^*K)_{Y'} \ar@{=}[l] \ar[u] }

is commutative by the very definition of the transformation g'_* \circ a' \to a \circ g_*. Letting \mu ' be as above corresponding to the identification (f_*M, g_*g^*K)_ X = (g^*f_*M, g^*K)_{Y'}, then the hexagon commutes as well. Thus it suffices to show that \beta is equal to the composition of (f_*M, K)_ Y \otimes A' \to (f_*M, g_*g^*K)_ X \otimes A' and \mu '. To do this, it suffices to prove the two induced maps (f_*M, K)_ Y \to (g^*f_*M, g^*K)_{Y'} are the same. In other words, it suffices to show the diagram

\xymatrix{ R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(E, K) \ar[rr]_{\text{induced by }\beta } \ar[rd] & & R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{A'}(E \otimes _ A^\mathbf {L} A', K \otimes _ A^\mathbf {L} A') \\ & R\mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ A(E, K \otimes _ A^\mathbf {L} A') \ar[ru] }

commutes for all E, K \in D(A). Since this is how \beta is constructed in More on Algebra, Section 15.99 the proof is complete. \square

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