103.13 Colimits and cohomology
The following lemma in particular applies to diagrams of quasi-coherent sheaves.
Lemma 103.13.1. Let \mathcal{X} be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic stack. Then
\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i H^ p(\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{F}_ i) \longrightarrow H^ p(\mathcal{X}, \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i)
is an isomorphism for every filtered diagram of abelian sheaves on \mathcal{X}. The same is true for abelian sheaves on \mathcal{X}_{\acute{e}tale} taking cohomology in the étale topology.
Let \tau = fppf, resp. \tau = {\acute{e}tale}. The lemma follows from Cohomology on Sites, Lemma 21.16.2 applied to the site \mathcal{X}_\tau . In order to check the assumptions we use Cohomology on Sites, Remark 21.16.3. Namely, let \mathcal{B} \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\mathcal{X}_\tau ) be the set of objects lying over affine schemes. In other words, an element of \mathcal{B} is a morphism x : U \to \mathcal{X} with U affine. We check each of the conditions (1) – (4) of the remark in turn:
Since \mathcal{X} is quasi-compact, there exists a surjetive and smooth morphism x : U \to \mathcal{X} with U affine (Properties of Stacks, Lemma 100.6.2). Then h_ x^\# \to * is a surjective map of sheaves on \mathcal{X}_\tau .
Since coverings in \mathcal{X}_\tau are fppf, resp. étale coverings, we see that every covering of U \in \mathcal{B} is refined by a finite affine fppf covering, see Topologies, Lemma 34.7.4, resp. Lemma 34.4.4.
Let x : U \to \mathcal{X} and x' : U' \to \mathcal{X} be in \mathcal{B}. The product h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# in \mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{X}_\tau ) is equal to the sheaf on \mathcal{X}_\tau determined by the algebraic space W = U \times _{x, \mathcal{X}, x'} U' over \mathcal{X}: for an object y : V \to \mathcal{X} of \mathcal{X}_\tau we have (h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# )(y) = \{ f : V \to W \mid y = x \circ \text{pr}_1 \circ f = x' \circ \text{pr}_2 \circ f\} . The algebraic space W is quasi-compact because \mathcal{X} is quasi-separated, see Morphisms of Stacks, Lemma 101.7.8 for example. Hence we can choose an affine scheme U'' and a surjective étale morphism U'' \to W. Denote x'' : U'' \to \mathcal{X} the composition of U'' \to W and W \to \mathcal{X}. Then h_{x''}^\# \to h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# is surjective as desired.
Let x : U \to \mathcal{X} and x' : U' \to \mathcal{X} be in \mathcal{B}. Let a, b : U \to U' be a morphism over \mathcal{X}, i.e., a, b : x \to x' is a morphism in \mathcal{X}_\tau . Then the equalizer of h_ a and h_ b is represented by the equalizer of a, b : U \to U' which is affine scheme over \mathcal{X} and hence in \mathcal{B}.
This finished the proof.
Lemma 103.13.2. Let f : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y} be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated morphism of algebraic stacks. Let \mathcal{F} = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \mathcal{F}_ i be a filtered colimit of abelian sheaves on \mathcal{X}. Then for any p \geq 0 we have
R^ pf_*\mathcal{F} = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits R^ pf_*\mathcal{F}_ i.
The same is true for abelian sheaves on \mathcal{X}_{\acute{e}tale} taking higher direct images in the étale topology.
We will prove this for the fppf topology; the proof for the étale topology is the same. Recall that R^ if_*\mathcal{F} is the sheaf on \mathcal{Y}_{fppf} associated to the presheaf
(y : V \to \mathcal{Y}) \longmapsto H^ i(V \times _{y, \mathcal{Y}} \mathcal{X}, \text{pr}^{-1}\mathcal{F})
See Sheaves on Stacks, Lemma 96.21.2. Recall that the colimit is the sheaf associated to the presheaf colimit. When V is affine, the fibre product V \times _\mathcal {Y} \mathcal{X} is quasi-compact and quasi-separated. Hence we can apply Lemma 103.13.1 to H^ p(V \times _\mathcal {Y} \mathcal{X}, -) where V is affine. Since every V has an fppf covering by affine objects this proves the lemma. Some details omitted.
Lemma 103.13.3. Let f : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y} be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated morphism of algebraic stacks. The functor f_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} and the functors R^ if_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} commute with direct sums and filtered colimits.
The functors f_* and R^ if_* commute with direct sums and filtered colimits on all modules by Lemma 103.13.2. The lemma follows as f_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} = Q \circ f_* and R^ if_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} = Q \circ R^ if_* and Q commutes with all colimits, see Lemma 103.10.2.
Lemma 103.13.4. Let f : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y} be an affine morphism of algebraic stacks. The functors R^ if_{\mathit{QCoh}, *}, i > 0 vanish and the functor f_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} is exact and commutes with direct sums and all colimits.
Since we have R^ if_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} = Q \circ R^ if_* we obtain the vanishing from Lemma 103.8.4. The vanishing implies that f_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} is exact as \{ R^ if_{\mathit{QCoh}, *}\} _{i \geq 0} form a \delta -functor, see Proposition 103.11.1. Then f_{\mathit{QCoh}, *} commutes with direct sums for example by Lemma 103.13.3. An exact functor which commutes with direct sums commutes with all colimits.
The following lemma tells us that finitely presented modules behave as expected in quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic stacks.
Lemma 103.13.5. Let \mathcal{X} be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic stack. Let I be a directed set and let (\mathcal{F}_ i, \varphi _{ii'}) be a system over I of \mathcal{O}_\mathcal {X}-modules. Let \mathcal{G} be an \mathcal{O}_\mathcal {X}-module of finite presentation. Then we have
\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _\mathcal {X}(\mathcal{G}, \mathcal{F}_ i) = \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _\mathcal {X}(\mathcal{G}, \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i).
In particular, \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _\mathcal {X}(\mathcal{G}, -) commutes with filtered colimits in \mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_\mathcal {X}).
The displayed equality is a special case of Modules on Sites, Lemma 18.27.12. In order to apply it, we need to check the hypotheses of Sites, Lemma 7.17.8 part (4) for the site \mathcal{X}_{fppf}. In order to do this, we will check hypotheses (2)(a), (2)(b), (2)(c) of Sites, Remark 7.17.9. Namely, let \mathcal{B} \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\mathcal{X}_{fppf}) be the set of objects lying over affine schemes. In other words, an element of \mathcal{B} is a morphism x : U \to \mathcal{X} with U affine. We check each of the conditions (2)(a), (2)(b), and (2)(c) of the remark in turn:
Since \mathcal{X} is quasi-compact, there exists a surjetive and smooth morphism x : U \to \mathcal{X} with U affine (Properties of Stacks, Lemma 100.6.2). Then h_ x^\# \to * is a surjective map of sheaves on \mathcal{X}_{fppf}.
Since coverings in \mathcal{X}_{fppf} are fppf coverings, we see that every covering of U \in \mathcal{B} is refined by a finite affine fppf covering, see Topologies, Lemma 34.7.4.
Let x : U \to \mathcal{X} and x' : U' \to \mathcal{X} be in \mathcal{B}. The product h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# in \mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{X}_{fppf}) is equal to the sheaf on \mathcal{X}_{fppf} determined by the algebraic space W = U \times _{x, \mathcal{X}, x'} U' over \mathcal{X}: for an object y : V \to \mathcal{X} of \mathcal{X}_{fppf} we have (h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# )(y) = \{ f : V \to W \mid y = x \circ \text{pr}_1 \circ f = x' \circ \text{pr}_2 \circ f\} . The algebraic space W is quasi-compact because \mathcal{X} is quasi-separated, see Morphisms of Stacks, Lemma 101.7.8 for example. Hence we can choose an affine scheme U'' and a surjective étale morphism U'' \to W. Denote x'' : U'' \to \mathcal{X} the composition of U'' \to W and W \to \mathcal{X}. Then h_{x''}^\# \to h_ x^\# \times h_{x'}^\# is surjective as desired.
For the final statement, observe that the inclusion functor \mathit{QCoh}(\mathcal{O}_ X) \to \textit{Mod}(\mathcal{O}_ X) commutes with colimits and that finitely presented modules are quasi-coherent. See Sheaves on Stacks, Lemma 96.15.1.
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