15.115 Eliminating ramification
In this section we discuss a result of Helmut Epp, see [Epp]. We strongly encourage the reader to read the original. Our approach is slightly different as we try to handle the mixed and equicharacteristic cases by the same method. For related results, see also [Ponomarev], [Ponomarev-Abhyankar], [Kuhlmann], and [ZK].
Let A \subset B be an extension of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L. The goal in this section is to find a finite extension K_1/K such that with
\vcenter { \xymatrix{ L \ar[r] & L_1 \\ K \ar[u] \ar[r] & K_1 \ar[u] } } \quad \text{and}\quad \vcenter { \xymatrix{ B \ar[r] & B_1 \ar[r] & (B_1)_{\mathfrak m_{ij}} \\ A \ar[u] \ar[r] & A_1 \ar[r] \ar[u] & (A_1)_{\mathfrak m_ i} \ar[u] } }
as in Remark 15.114.1 the extensions (A_1)_{\mathfrak m_ i} \subset (B_1)_{\mathfrak m_{ij}} are all weakly unramified or even formally smooth in the relevant adic topologies. The simplest (but nontrivial) example of this is Abhyankar's lemma, see Lemma 15.114.4.
Definition 15.115.1. Let A \to B be an extension of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L.
We say a finite field extension K_1/K is a weak solution for A \subset B if all the extensions (A_1)_{\mathfrak m_ i} \subset (B_1)_{\mathfrak m_{ij}} of Remark 15.114.1 are weakly unramified.
We say a finite field extension K_1/K is a solution for A \subset B if each extension (A_1)_{\mathfrak m_ i} \subset (B_1)_{\mathfrak m_{ij}} of Remark 15.114.1 is formally smooth in the \mathfrak m_{ij}-adic topology.
We say a solution K_1/K is a separable solution if K_1/K is separable.
In general (weak) solutions do not exist; there is an example in [Epp]. Under a mild hypothesis on the residue field extension, we will prove the existence of weak solutions in Theorem 15.115.18 following [Epp]. In the next section, we will deduce the existence of solutions and sometimes separable solutions in geometrically meaningful cases, see Proposition 15.116.8 and Lemma 15.116.9. However, the following example shows that in general one needs inseparable extensions to get even a weak solution.
Example 15.115.2. Let k be a perfect field of characteristic p > 0. Let A = k[[x]] and K = k((x)). Let B = A[x^{1/p}]. Any weak solution K_1/K for A \to B is inseparable (and any finite inseparable extension of K is a solution). We omit the proof.
Solutions are stable under further extensions, see Lemma 15.116.1. This may not be true for weak solutions. Weak solutions are in some sense stable under totally ramified extensions, see Lemma 15.115.3.
Lemma 15.115.3. Let A \to B be an extension of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L. Assume that A \to B is weakly unramified. Then for any finite separable extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A we have that L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a field, A_1 and B_1 = B \otimes _ A A_1 are discrete valuation rings, and the extension A_1 \subset B_1 (see Remark 15.114.1) is weakly unramified.
Let \pi \in A and \pi _1 \in A_1 be uniformizers. As K_1/K is totally ramified with respect to A we have \pi _1^ e = u_1 \pi for some unit u_1 in A_1. Hence A_1 is generated by \pi _1 over A and the minimal polynomial P(t) of \pi _1 over K has the form
P(t) = t^ e + a_{e - 1} t^{e - 1} + \ldots + a_0
with a_ i \in (\pi ) and a_0 = u\pi for some unit u of A. Note that e = [K_1 : K] as well. Since A \to B is weakly unramified we see that \pi is a uniformizer of B and hence B_1 = B[t]/(P(t)) is a discrete valuation ring with uniformizer the class of t. Thus the lemma is clear.
Lemma 15.115.4. Let A \to B \to C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L \subset M. Let K_1/K be a finite extension.
If K_1 is a (weak) solution for A \to C, then K_1 is a (weak) solution for A \to B.
If K_1 is a (weak) solution for A \to B and L_1 = (L \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} is a product of fields which are (weak) solutions for B \to C, then K_1 is a (weak) solution for A \to C.
Let L_1 = (L \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} and M_1 = (M \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} and let B_1 \subset L_1 and C_1 \subset M_1 be the integral closure of B and C. Note that M_1 = (M \otimes _ L L_1)_{red} and that L_1 is a (nonempty) finite product of finite extensions of L. Hence the ring map B_1 \to C_1 is a finite product of ring maps of the form discussed in Remark 15.114.1. In particular, the map \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(C_1) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B_1) is surjective. Choose a maximal ideal \mathfrak m \subset C_1 and consider the extensions of discrete valuation rings
(A_1)_{A_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to (B_1)_{B_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to (C_1)_\mathfrak m
If the composition is weakly unramified, so is the map (A_1)_{A_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to (B_1)_{B_1 \cap \mathfrak m}. If the residue field extension \kappa _{A_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to \kappa _\mathfrak m is separable, so is the subextension \kappa _{A_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to \kappa _{B_1 \cap \mathfrak m}. Taking into account Lemma 15.111.5 this proves (1). A similar argument works for (2).
Lemma 15.115.5. Let A \to B be an extension of discrete valuation rings. There exists a commutative diagram
\xymatrix{ B \ar[r] & B' \\ A \ar[r] \ar[u] & A' \ar[u] }
of extensions of discrete valuation rings such that
the extensions K'/K and L'/L of fraction fields are separable algebraic,
the residue fields of A' and B' are separable algebraic closures of the residue fields of A and B, and
if a solution, weak solution, or separable solution exists for A' \to B', then a solution, weak solution, or separable solution exists for A \to B.
By Algebra, Lemma 10.159.2 there exists an extension A \subset A' which is a filtered colimit of finite étale extensions such that the residue field of A' is a separable algebraic closure of the residue field of A. Then A \subset A' is an extension of discrete valuation rings such that the induced extension K'/K of fraction fields is separable algebraic.
Let B \subset B' be a strict henselization of B. Then B \subset B' is an extension of discrete valuation rings whose fraction field extension is separable algebraic. By Algebra, Lemma 10.155.9 there exists a commutative diagram as in the statement of the lemma. Parts (1) and (2) of the lemma are clear.
Let K'_1/K' be a (weak) solution for A' \to B'. Since A' is a colimit, we can find a finite étale extension A \subset A_1' and a finite extension K_1 of the fraction field F of A_1' such that K'_1 = K' \otimes _ F K_1. As A \subset A_1' is finite étale and B' strictly henselian, it follows that B' \otimes _ A A_1' is a finite product of rings isomorphic to B'. Hence
L' \otimes _ K K_1 = L' \otimes _ K F \otimes _ F K_1
is a finite product of rings isomorphic to L' \otimes _{K'} K'_1. Thus we see that K_1/K is a (weak) solution for A \to B'. Hence it is also a (weak) solution for A \to B by Lemma 15.115.4.
Lemma 15.115.6. Let A \to B be an extension of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L. Let K_1/K be a normal extension. Say G = \text{Aut}(K_1/K). Then G acts on the rings K_1, L_1, A_1 and B_1 of Remark 15.114.1 and acts transitively on the set of maximal ideals of B_1.
Everything is clear apart from the last assertion. If there are two or more orbits of the action, then we can find an element b \in B_1 which vanishes at all the maximal ideals of one orbit and has residue 1 at all the maximal ideals in another orbit. Then b' = \prod _{\sigma \in G} \sigma (b) is a G-invariant element of B_1 \subset L_1 = (L \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} which is in some maximal ideals of B_1 but not in all maximal ideals of B_1. Lifting it to an element of L \otimes _ K K_1 and raising to a high power we obtain a G-invariant element b'' of L \otimes _ K K_1 mapping to (b')^ N for some N > 0; in fact, we only need to do this in case the characteristic is p > 0 and in this case raising to a suitably large p-power q defines a canonical map (L \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} \to L \otimes _ K K_1. Since K = (K_1)^ G we conclude that b'' \in L. Since b'' maps to an element of B_1 we see that b'' \in B (as B is normal). Then on the one hand it must be true that b'' \in \mathfrak m_ B as b' is in some maximal ideal of B_1 and on the other hand it must be true that b'' \not\in \mathfrak m_ B as b' is not in all maximal ideals of B_1. This contradiction finishes the proof of the lemma.
Lemma 15.115.7. Let A be a discrete valuation ring with uniformizer \pi . If the residue characteristic of A is p > 0, then for every n > 1 and p-power q there exists a degree q separable extension L/K totally ramified with respect to A such that the integral closure B of A in L has ramification index q and a uniformizer \pi _ B such that \pi _ B^ q = \pi + \pi ^ n b and \pi _ B^ q = \pi + (\pi _ B)^{nq}b' for some b, b' \in B.
If the characteristic of K is zero, then we can take the extension given by \pi _ B^ q = \pi , see Lemma 15.114.2. If the characteristic of K is p > 0, then we can take the extension of K given by z^ q - \pi ^ n z = \pi ^{1 - q}. Namely, then we see that y^ q - \pi ^{n + q - 1} y = \pi where y = \pi z. Taking \pi _ B = y we obtain the desired result.
Lemma 15.115.8. Let A be a discrete valuation ring. Assume the reside field \kappa _ A has characteristic p > 0 and that a \in A is an element whose residue class in \kappa _ A is not a pth power. Then a is not a pth power in K and the integral closure of A in K[a^{1/p}] is the ring A[a^{1/p}] which is a discrete valuation ring weakly unramified over A.
This lemma proves itself.
Lemma 15.115.9. Let A \subset B \subset C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fractions fields K \subset L \subset M. Let \pi \in A be a uniformizer. Assume
B is a Nagata ring,
A \subset B is weakly unramified,
M is a degree p purely inseparable extension of L.
Then either
A \to C is weakly unramified, or
C = B[\pi ^{1/p}], or
there exists a degree p separable extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A such that L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 and M_1 = M \otimes _ K K_1 are fields and the maps of integral closures A_1 \to B_1 \to C_1 are weakly unramified extensions of discrete valuation rings.
Let e be the ramification index of C over B. If e = 1, then we are done. If not, then e = p by Lemmas 15.111.2 and 15.111.4. This in turn implies that the residue fields of B and C agree. Choose a uniformizer \pi _ C of C. Write \pi _ C^ p = u \pi for some unit u of C. Since \pi _ C^ p \in L, we see that u \in B^*. Also M = L[\pi _ C].
Suppose there exists an integer m \geq 0 such that
u = \sum \nolimits _{0 \leq i < m} b_ i^ p \pi ^ i + b \pi ^ m
with b_ i \in B and with b \in B an element whose image in \kappa _ B is not a pth power. Choose an extension K_1/K as in Lemma 15.115.7 with n = m + 2 and denote \pi ' the uniformizer of the integral closure A_1 of A in K_1 such that \pi = (\pi ')^ p + (\pi ')^{np} a for some a \in A_1. Let B_1 be the integral closure of B in L \otimes _ K K_1. Observe that A_1 \to B_1 is weakly unramified by Lemma 15.115.3. In B_1 we have
u \pi = \left(\sum \nolimits _{0 \leq i < m} b_ i (\pi ')^{i + 1}\right)^ p + b (\pi ')^{(m + 1)p} + (\pi ')^{np} b_1
for some b_1 \in B_1 (computation omitted). We conclude that M_1 is obtained from L_1 by adjoining a pth root of
b + (\pi ')^{n - m - 1} b_1
Since the residue field of B_1 equals the residue field of B we see from Lemma 15.115.8 that M_1/L_1 has degree p and the integral closure C_1 of B_1 is weakly unramified over B_1. Thus we conclude in this case.
If there does not exist an integer m as in the preceding paragraph, then u is a pth power in the \pi -adic completion of B_1. Since B is Nagata, this means that u is a pth power in B_1 by Algebra, Lemma 10.162.18. Whence the second case of the statement of the lemma holds.
Lemma 15.115.10. Let A be a local ring annihilated by a prime p whose maximal ideal is nilpotent. There exists a ring map \sigma : \kappa _ A \to A which is a section to the residue map A \to \kappa _ A. If A \to A' is a local homomorphism of local rings, then we can choose a similar ring map \sigma ' : \kappa _{A'} \to A' compatible with \sigma provided that the extension \kappa _{A'}/\kappa _ A is separable.
Separable extensions are formally smooth by Algebra, Proposition 10.158.9. Thus the existence of \sigma follows from the fact that \mathbf{F}_ p \to \kappa _ A is separable. Similarly for the existence of \sigma ' compatible with \sigma .
Lemma 15.115.11. Let A be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field K of characteristic p > 0. Let \xi \in K. Let L be an extension of K obtained by adjoining a root of z^ p - z = \xi . Then L/K is Galois and one of the following happens
L = K,
L/K is unramified with respect to A of degree p,
L/K is totally ramified with respect to A with ramification index p, and
the integral closure B of A in L is a discrete valuation ring, A \subset B is weakly unramified, and A \to B induces a purely inseparable residue field extension of degree p.
Let \pi be a uniformizer of A. We have the following implications:
If \xi \in A, then we are in case (1) or (2).
If \xi = \pi ^{-n}a where n > 0 is not divisible by p and a is a unit in A, then we are in case (3)
If \xi = \pi ^{-n} a where n > 0 is divisible by p and the image of a in \kappa _ A is not a pth power, then we are in case (4).
The extension is Galois of order dividing p by the discussion in Fields, Section 9.25. It immediately follows from the discussion in Section 15.112 that we are in one of the cases (1) – (4) listed in the lemma.
Case (A). Here we see that A \to A[x]/(x^ p - x - \xi ) is a finite étale ring extension. Hence we are in cases (1) or (2).
Case (B). Write \xi = \pi ^{-n}a where p does not divide n. Let B \subset L be the integral closure of A in L. If C = B_\mathfrak m for some maximal ideal \mathfrak m, then it is clear that p \text{ord}_ C(z) = -n \text{ord}_ C(\pi ). In particular A \subset C has ramification index divisible by p. It follows that it is p and that B = C.
Case (C). Set k = n/p. Then we can rewrite the equation as
(\pi ^ kz)^ p - \pi ^{n - k} (\pi ^ kz) = a
Since A[y]/(y^ p - \pi ^{n - k}y - a) is a discrete valuation ring weakly unramified over A, the lemma follows.
Lemma 15.115.12. Let A \subset B \subset C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fractions fields K \subset L \subset M. Assume
A \subset B weakly unramified,
the characteristic of K is p,
M is a degree p Galois extension of L, and
\kappa _ A = \bigcap _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}.
Then there exists a finite Galois extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A which is a weak solution for A \to C.
Since the characteristic of L is p we know that M is an Artin-Schreier extension of L (Fields, Lemma 9.25.1). Thus we may pick z \in M, z \not\in L such that \xi = z^ p - z \in L. Choose n \geq 0 such that \pi ^ n\xi \in B. We pick z such that n is minimal. If n = 0, then M/L is unramified with respect to B (Lemma 15.115.11) and we are done. Thus we have n > 0.
Assumption (4) implies that \kappa _ A is perfect. Thus we may choose compatible ring maps \overline{\sigma } : \kappa _ A \to A/\pi ^ n A and \overline{\sigma } : \kappa _ B \to B/\pi ^ n B as in Lemma 15.115.10. We lift the second of these to a map of sets \sigma : \kappa _ B \to B1. Then we can write
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i = n, \ldots , 1} \sigma (\lambda _ i) \pi ^{-i} + b
for some \lambda _ i \in \kappa _ B and b \in B. Let
I = \{ i \in \{ n, \ldots , 1\} \mid \lambda _ i \in \kappa _ A\}
J = \{ j \in \{ n, \ldots , 1\} \mid \lambda _ i \not\in \kappa _ A\}
We will argue by induction on the size of the finite set J.
The case J = \emptyset . Here for all i \in \{ n, \ldots , 1\} we have \sigma (\lambda _ i) = a_ i + \pi ^ n b_ i for some a_ i \in A and b_ i \in B by our choice of \sigma . Thus \xi = \pi ^{-n} a + b for some a \in A and b \in B. If p | n, then we write a = a_0^ p + \pi a_1 for some a_0, a_1 \in A (as the residue field of A is perfect). We compute
(z - \pi ^{-n/p}a_0)^ p - (z - \pi ^{-n/p}a_0) = \pi ^{-(n - 1)}(a_1 + \pi ^{n - 1 - n/p}a_0) + b'
for some b' \in B. This would contradict the minimality of n. Thus p does not divide n. Consider the degree p extension K_1 of K given by w^ p - w = \pi ^{-n}a. By Lemma 15.115.11 this extension is Galois and totally ramified with respect to A. Thus L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a field and A_1 \subset B_1 is weakly unramified (Lemma 15.115.3). By Lemma 15.115.11 the ring M_1 = M \otimes _ K K_1 is either a product of p copies of L_1 (in which case we are done) or a field extension of L_1 of degree p. Moreover, in the second case, either C_1 is weakly unramified over B_1 (in which case we are done) or M_1/L_1 is degree p, Galois, and totally ramified with respect to B_1. In this last case the extension M_1/L_1 is generated by the element z - w and
(z - w)^ p - (z - w) = z^ p - z - (w^ p - w) = b
with b \in B (see above). Thus by Lemma 15.115.11 once more the extension M_1/L_1 is unramified with respect to B_1 and we conclude that K_1 is a weak solution for A \to C. From now on we assume J \not= \emptyset .
Suppose that j', j \in J such that j' = p^ r j for some r > 0. Then we change our choice of z into
z' = z - (\sigma (\lambda _ j) \pi ^{-j} + \sigma (\lambda _ j^ p) \pi ^{-pj} + \ldots + \sigma (\lambda _ j^{p^{r - 1}}) \pi ^{-p^{r - 1}j})
Then \xi changes into \xi ' = (z')^ p - (z') as follows
\xi ' = \xi - \sigma (\lambda _ j) \pi ^{-j} + \sigma (\lambda _ j^{p^ r}) \pi ^{-j'} + \text{something in }B
Writing \xi ' = \sum \nolimits _{i = n, \ldots , 1} \sigma (\lambda '_ i) \pi ^{-i} + b' as before we find that \lambda '_ i = \lambda _ i for i \not= j, j' and \lambda '_ j = 0. Thus the set J has gotten smaller. By induction on the size of J we may assume no such pair j, j' exists. (Please observe that in this procedure we may get thrown back into the case that J = \emptyset we treated above.)
For j \in J write \lambda _ j = \mu _ j^{p^{r_ j}} for some r_ j \geq 0 and \mu _ j \in \kappa _ B which is not a pth power. This is possible by our assumption (4). Let j \in J be the unique index such that j p^{-r_ j} is maximal. (The index is unique by the result of the preceding paragraph.) Choose r > \max (r_ j + 1) and such that j p^{r - r_ j} > n for j \in J. Choose a separable extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A of degree p^ r such that the corresponding discrete valuation ring A_1 \subset K_1 has uniformizer \pi ' with (\pi ')^{p^ r} = \pi + \pi ^{n + 1}a for some a \in A_1 (Lemma 15.115.7). Observe that L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a field and that L_1/L is totally ramified with respect to B (Lemma 15.115.3). Computing in the integral closure B_1 we get
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} \sigma (\lambda _ i) (\pi ')^{-i p^ r} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j}} (\pi ')^{-j p^ r} + b_1
for some b_1 \in B_1. Note that \sigma (\lambda _ i) for i \in I is a qth power modulo \pi ^ n, i.e., modulo (\pi ')^{n p^ r}. Hence we can rewrite the above as
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} x_ i^{p^ r} (\pi ')^{-i p^ r} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j}} (\pi ')^{- j p^ r} + b_1
As in the previous paragraph we change our choice of z into
\begin{align*} z' & = z \\ & - \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} \left(x_ i (\pi ')^{-i} + \ldots + x_ i^{p^{r - 1}} (\pi ')^{-i p^{r - 1}}\right) \\ & - \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \left( \sigma (\mu _ j) (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - r_ j}} + \ldots + \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j - 1}} (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - 1}} \right) \end{align*}
to obtain
(z')^ p - z' = \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} x_ i (\pi ')^{-i} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j) (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - r_ j}} + b_1'
for some b'_1 \in B_1. Since there is a unique j such that j p^{r - r_ j} is maximal and since j p^{r - r_ j} is bigger than i \in I and divisible by p, we see that M_1 / L_1 falls into case (C) of Lemma 15.115.11. This finishes the proof.
Lemma 15.115.13. Let A be a ring which contains a primitive pth root of unity \zeta . Set w = 1 - \zeta . Then
P(z) = \frac{(1 + wz)^ p - 1}{w^ p} = z^ p - z + \sum \nolimits _{0 < i < p} a_ i z^ i
is an element of A[z] and in fact a_ i \in (w). Moreover, we have
P(z_1 + z_2 + w z_1 z_2) = P(z_1) + P(z_2) + w^ p P(z_1) P(z_2)
in the polynomial ring A[z_1, z_2].
It suffices to prove this when
A = \mathbf{Z}[\zeta ] = \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^{p - 1} + \ldots + x + 1)
is the ring of integers of the cyclotomic field. The polynomial identity t^ p - 1 = (t - 1)(t - \zeta ) \ldots (t - \zeta ^{p - 1}) (which is proved by looking at the roots on both sides) shows that t^{p - 1} + \ldots + t + 1 = (t - \zeta ) \ldots (t - \zeta ^{p - 1}). Substituting t = 1 we obtain p = (1 - \zeta )(1 - \zeta ^2) \ldots (1 - \zeta ^{p - 1}). The maximal ideal (p, w) = (w) is the unique prime ideal of A lying over p (as fields of characteristic p do not have nontrivial pth roots of 1). It follows that p = u w^{p - 1} for some unit u. This implies that
a_ i = \frac{1}{p} {p \choose i} u w^{i - 1}
for p > i > 1 and - 1 + a_1 = pw/w^ p = u. Since P(-1) = 0 we see that 0 = (-1)^ p - u modulo (w). Hence a_1 \in (w) and the proof if the first part is done. The second part follows from a direct computation we omit.
Lemma 15.115.14. Let A be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0, p) which contains a primitive pth root of 1. Let P(t) \in A[t] be the polynomial of Lemma 15.115.13. Let \xi \in K. Let L be an extension of K obtained by adjoining a root of P(z) = \xi . Then L/K is Galois and one of the following happens
L = K,
L/K is unramified with respect to A of degree p,
L/K is totally ramified with respect to A with ramification index p, and
the integral closure B of A in L is a discrete valuation ring, A \subset B is weakly unramified, and A \to B induces a purely inseparable residue field extension of degree p.
Let \pi be a uniformizer of A. We have the following implications:
If \xi \in A, then we are in case (1) or (2).
If \xi = \pi ^{-n}a where n > 0 is not divisible by p and a is a unit in A, then we are in case (3)
If \xi = \pi ^{-n} a where n > 0 is divisible by p and the image of a in \kappa _ A is not a pth power, then we are in case (4).
Adjoining a root of P(z) = \xi is the same thing as adjoining a root of y^ p = w^ p(1 + \xi ). Since K contains a primitive pth root of 1 the extension is Galois of order dividing p by the discussion in Fields, Section 9.24. It immediately follows from the discussion in Section 15.112 that we are in one of the cases (1) – (4) listed in the lemma.
Case (A). Here we see that A \to A[x]/(P(x) - \xi ) is a finite étale ring extension. Hence we are in cases (1) or (2).
Case (B). Write \xi = \pi ^{-n}a where p does not divide n. Let B \subset L be the integral closure of A in L. If C = B_\mathfrak m for some maximal ideal \mathfrak m, then it is clear that p \text{ord}_ C(z) = -n \text{ord}_ C(\pi ). In particular A \subset C has ramification index divisible by p. It follows that it is p and that B = C.
Case (C). Set k = n/p. Then we can rewrite the equation as
(\pi ^ kz)^ p - \pi ^{n - k} (\pi ^ kz) + \sum a_ i \pi ^{n - ik} (\pi ^ kz)^ i = a
Since A[y]/(y^ p - \pi ^{n - k}y - \sum a_ i \pi ^{n - ik} y^ i - a) is a discrete valuation ring weakly unramified over A, the lemma follows.
Let A be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0, p) containing a primitive pth root of 1. Let w \in A and P(t) \in A[t] be as in Lemma 15.115.13. Let L be a finite extension of K. We say L/K is a degree p extension of finite level if L is a degree p extension of K obtained by adjoining a root of the equation P(z) = \xi where \xi \in K is an element with w^ p \xi \in \mathfrak m_ A.
This definition is relevant to the discussion in this section due to the following straightforward lemma.
Lemma 15.115.15. Let A \subset B \subset C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fractions fields K \subset L \subset M. Assume that
A has mixed characteristic (0, p),
A \subset B is weakly unramified,
B contains a primitive pth root of 1, and
M/L is Galois of degree p.
Then there exists a finite Galois extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A which is either a weak solution for A \to C or is such that M_1/L_1 is a degree p extension of finite level.
Let \pi \in A be a uniformizer. By Kummer theory (Fields, Lemma 9.24.1) M is obtained from L by adjoining the root of y^ p = b for some b \in L.
If \text{ord}_ B(b) is prime to p, then we choose a degree p separable extension K_1/K totally ramified with respect to A (for example using Lemma 15.115.7). Let A_1 be the integral closure of A in K_1. By Lemma 15.115.3 the integral closure B_1 of B in L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a discrete valuation ring weakly unramified over A_1. If K_1/K is not a weak solution for A \to C, then the integral closure C_1 of C in M_1 = M \otimes _ K K_1 is a discrete valuation ring and B_1 \to C_1 has ramification index p. In this case, the field M_1 is obtained from L_1 by adjoining the pth root of b with \text{ord}_{B_1}(b) divisible by p. Replacing A by A_1, etc we may assume that b = \pi ^ n u where u \in B is a unit and n is divisible by p. Of course, in this case the extension M is obtained from L by adjoining the pth root of a unit.
Suppose M is obtained from L by adjoining the root of y^ p = u for some unit u of B. If the residue class of u in \kappa _ B is not a pth power, then B \subset C is weakly unramified (Lemma 15.115.8) and we are done. Otherwise, we can replace our choice of y by y/v where v^ p and u have the same image in \kappa _ B. After such a replacement we have
y^ p = 1 + \pi b
for some b \in B. Then we see that P(z) = \pi b/ w^ p where z = (y - 1)/w. Thus we see that the extension is a degree p extension of finite level with \xi = \pi b / w^ p.
Let A be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic (0, p) containing a primitive pth root of 1. Let w \in A and P(t) \in A[t] be as in Lemma 15.115.13. Let L be a degree p extension of K of finite level. Choose z \in L generating L over K with \xi = P(z) \in K. Choose a uniformizer \pi for A and write w = u \pi ^{e_1} for some integer e_1 = \text{ord}_ A(w) and unit u \in A. Finally, pick n \geq 0 such that
\pi ^ n \xi \in A
The level of L/K is the smallest value of the quantity n/e_1 taking over all z generating L/K with \xi = P(z) \in K.
We make a couple of remarks. Since the extension is of finite level we know that we can choose z such that n < pe_1. Thus the level is a rational number contained in [0, p). If the level is zero then L/K is unramified with respect to A by Lemma 15.115.14. Our next goal is to lower the level.
Lemma 15.115.16. Let A \subset B \subset C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fractions fields K \subset L \subset M. Assume
A has mixed characteristic (0, p),
A \subset B weakly unramified,
B contains a primitive pth root of 1,
M/L is a degree p extension of finite level l > 0,
\kappa _ A = \bigcap _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}.
Then there exists a finite separable extension K_1 of K totally ramified with respect to A such that either K_1 is a weak solution for A \to C, or the extension M_1/L_1 is a degree p extension of finite level \leq \max (0, l - 1, 2l - p).
Let \pi \in A be a uniformizer. Let w \in B and P \in B[t] be as in Lemma 15.115.13 (for B). Set e_1 = \text{ord}_ B(w), so that w and \pi ^{e_1} are associates in B. Pick z \in M generating M over L with \xi = P(z) \in K and n such that \pi ^ n\xi \in B as in the definition of the level of M over L, i.e., l = n/e_1.
The proof of this lemma is completely similar to the proof of Lemma 15.115.12. To explain what is going on, observe that
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-first-congruence} P(z) \equiv z^ p - z \bmod \pi ^{-n + e_1}B \end{equation}
for any z \in L such that \pi ^{-n} P(z) \in B (use that z has valuation at worst -n/p and the shape of the polynomial P). Moreover, we have
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-second-congruence} \xi _1 + \xi _2 + w^ p \xi _1 \xi _2 \equiv \xi _1 + \xi _2 \bmod \pi ^{-2n + pe_1}B \end{equation}
for \xi _1, \xi _2 \in \pi ^{-n}B. Finally, observe that n - e_1 = (l - 1)/e_1 and -2n + pe_1 = -(2l - p)e_1. Write m = n - e_1 \max (0, l - 1, 2l - p). The above shows that doing calculations in \pi ^{-n}B / \pi ^{-n + m}B the polynomial P behaves exactly as the polynomial z^ p - z. This explains why the lemma is true but we also give the details below.
Assumption (4) implies that \kappa _ A is perfect. Observe that m \leq e_1 and hence A/\pi ^ m is annihilated by w and hence p. Thus we may choose compatible ring maps \overline{\sigma } : \kappa _ A \to A/\pi ^ mA and \overline{\sigma } : \kappa _ B \to B/\pi ^ mB as in Lemma 15.115.10. We lift the second of these to a map of sets \sigma : \kappa _ B \to B. Then we can write
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i = n, \ldots , n - m + 1} \sigma (\lambda _ i) \pi ^{-i} + \pi ^{-n + m)} b
for some \lambda _ i \in \kappa _ B and b \in B. Let
I = \{ i \in \{ n, \ldots , n - m + 1\} \mid \lambda _ i \in \kappa _ A\}
J = \{ j \in \{ n, \ldots , n - m + 1\} \mid \lambda _ i \not\in \kappa _ A\}
We will argue by induction on the size of the finite set J.
The case J = \emptyset . Here for all i \in \{ n, \ldots , n - m + 1\} we have \sigma (\lambda _ i) = a_ i + \pi ^{n - m}b_ i for some a_ i \in A and b_ i \in B by our choice of \overline{\sigma }. Thus \xi = \pi ^{-n} a + \pi ^{-n + m} b for some a \in A and b \in B. If p | n, then we write a = a_0^ p + \pi a_1 for some a_0, a_1 \in A (as the residue field of A is perfect). Set z_1 = - \pi ^{-n/p} a_0. Note that P(z_1) \in \pi ^{-n}B and that z + z_1 + w z z_1 is an element generating M over L (note that wz_1 \not= -1 as n < pe_1). Moreover, by Lemma 15.115.13 we have
P(z + z_1 + w z z_1) = P(z) + P(z_1) + w^ p P(z) P(z_1) \in K
and by equations ( and ( we have
P(z) + P(z_1) + w^ p P(z) P(z_1) \equiv \xi + z_1^ p - z_1 \bmod \pi ^{-n + m}B
for some b' \in B. This contradict the minimality of n! Thus p does not divide n. Consider the degree p extension K_1 of K given by P(y) = -\pi ^{-n}a. By Lemma 15.115.14 this extension is separable and totally ramified with respect to A. Thus L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a field and A_1 \subset B_1 is weakly unramified (Lemma 15.115.3). By Lemma 15.115.14 the ring M_1 = M \otimes _ K K_1 is either a product of p copies of L_1 (in which case we are done) or a field extension of L_1 of degree p. Moreover, in the second case, either C_1 is weakly unramified over B_1 (in which case we are done) or M_1/L_1 is degree p, Galois, totally ramified with respect to B_1. In this last case the extension M_1/L_1 is generated by the element z + y + wzy and we see that P(z + y + wzy) \in L_1 and
\begin{align*} P(z + y + wzy) & = P(z) + P(y) + w^ p P(z) P(y) \\ & \equiv \xi - \pi ^{-n}a \bmod \pi ^{-n + m}B_1 \\ & \equiv 0 \bmod \pi ^{-n + m}B_1 \end{align*}
in exactly the same manner as above. By our choice of m this means exactly that M_1/L_1 has level at most \max (0, l - 1, 2l - p). From now on we assume that J \not= \emptyset .
Suppose that j', j \in J such that j' = p^ r j for some r > 0. Then we set
z_1 = - \sigma (\lambda _ j) \pi ^{-j} - \sigma (\lambda _ j^ p) \pi ^{-pj} - \ldots - \sigma (\lambda _ j^{p^{r - 1}}) \pi ^{-p^{r - 1}j}
and we change z into z' = z + z_1 + wzz_1. Observe that z' \in M generates M over L and that we have \xi ' = P(z') = P(z) + P(z_1) + wP(z)P(z_1) \in L with
\xi ' \equiv \xi - \sigma (\lambda _ j) \pi ^{-j} + \sigma (\lambda _ j^{p^ r}) \pi ^{-j'} \bmod \pi ^{-n + m}B
by using equations ( and ( as above. Writing
\xi ' = \sum \nolimits _{i = n, \ldots , n - m + 1} \sigma (\lambda '_ i) \pi ^{-i} + \pi ^{-n + m}b'
as before we find that \lambda '_ i = \lambda _ i for i \not= j, j' and \lambda '_ j = 0. Thus the set J has gotten smaller. By induction on the size of J we may assume there is no pair j, j' of J such that j'/j is a power of p. (Please observe that in this procedure we may get thrown back into the case that J = \emptyset we treated above.)
For j \in J write \lambda _ j = \mu _ j^{p^{r_ j}} for some r_ j \geq 0 and \mu _ j \in \kappa _ B which is not a pth power. This is possible by our assumption (4). Let j \in J be the unique index such that j p^{-r_ j} is maximal. (The index is unique by the result of the preceding paragraph.) Choose r > \max (r_ j + 1) and such that j p^{r - r_ j} > n for j \in J. Let K_1/K be the extension of degree p^ r, totally ramified with respect to A, defined by (\pi ')^{p^ r} = \pi . Observe that \pi ' is the uniformizer of the corresponding discrete valuation ring A_1 \subset K_1. Observe that L_1 = L \otimes _ K K_1 is a field and L_1/L is totally ramified with respect to B (Lemma 15.115.3). Computing in the integral closure B_1 we get
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} \sigma (\lambda _ i) (\pi ')^{-i p^ r} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j}} (\pi ')^{-j p^ r} + \pi ^{-n + m} b_1
for some b_1 \in B_1. Note that \sigma (\lambda _ i) for i \in I is a qth power modulo \pi ^ m, i.e., modulo (\pi ')^{m p^ r}. Hence we can rewrite the above as
\xi = \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} x_ i^{p^ r} (\pi ')^{-i p^ r} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j}} (\pi ')^{- j p^ r} + \pi ^{-n + m}b_1
Similar to our choice in the previous paragraph we set
\begin{align*} z_1 & - \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} \left(x_ i (\pi ')^{-i} + \ldots + x_ i^{p^{r - 1}} (\pi ')^{-i p^{r - 1}}\right) \\ & - \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \left( \sigma (\mu _ j) (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - r_ j}} + \ldots + \sigma (\mu _ j)^{p^{r_ j - 1}} (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - 1}} \right) \end{align*}
and we change our choice of z into z' = z + z_1 + wzz_1. Then z' generates M_1 over L_1 and \xi ' = P(z') = P(z) + P(z_1) + w^ p P(z) P(z_1) \in L_1 and a calculation shows that
\xi ' \equiv \sum \nolimits _{i \in I} x_ i (\pi ')^{-i} + \sum \nolimits _{j \in J} \sigma (\mu _ j) (\pi ')^{- j p^{r - r_ j}} + (\pi ')^{(-n + m)p^ r}b'_1
for some b'_1 \in B_1. There is a unique j such that j p^{r - r_ j} is maximal and j p^{r - r_ j} is bigger than i \in I. If j p^{r - r_ j} \leq (n - m)p^ r then the level of the extension M_1/L_1 is less than \max (0, l - 1, 2l - p). If not, then, as p divides j p^{r - r_ j}, we see that M_1 / L_1 falls into case (C) of Lemma 15.115.14. This finishes the proof.
Lemma 15.115.17. Let A \subset B \subset C be extensions of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L \subset M. Assume
the residue field k of A is algebraically closed of characteristic p > 0,
A and B are complete,
A \to B is weakly unramified,
M is a finite extension of L,
k = \bigcap \nolimits _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}
Then there exists a finite extension K_1/K which is a weak solution for A \to C.
Let M' be any finite extension of L and consider the integral closure C' of B in M'. Then C' is finite over B as B is Nagata by Algebra, Lemma 10.162.8. Moreover, C' is a discrete valuation ring, see discussion in Remark 15.114.1. Moreover C' is complete as a B-module, hence complete as a discrete valuation ring, see Algebra, Section 10.96. It follows in particular that C is the integral closure of B in M (by definition of valuation rings as maximal for the relation of domination).
Let M \subset M' be a finite extension and let C' \subset M' be the integral closure of B as above. By Lemma 15.115.4 it suffices to prove the result for A \to B \to C'. Hence we may assume that M/L is normal, see Fields, Lemma 9.16.3.
If M / L is normal, we can find a chain of finite extensions
L = L^0 \subset L^1 \subset L^2 \subset \ldots \subset L^ r = M
such that each extension L^{j + 1}/L^ j is either:
purely inseparable of degree p,
totally ramified with respect to B^ j and Galois of degree p,
totally ramified with respect to B^ j and Galois cyclic of order prime to p,
Galois and unramified with respect to B^ j.
Here B^ j is the integral closure of B in L^ j. Namely, since M/L is normal we can write it as a compositum of a Galois extension and a purely inseparable extension (Fields, Lemma 9.27.3). For the purely inseparable extension the existence of the filtration is clear. In the Galois case, note that G is “the” decomposition group and let I \subset G be the inertia group. Then on the one hand I is solvable by Lemma 15.112.5 and on the other hand the extension M^ I/L is unramified with respect to B by Lemma 15.112.8. This proves we have a filtration as stated.
We are going to argue by induction on the integer r. Suppose that we can find a finite extension K_1/K which is a weak solution for A \to B^1 where B^1 is the integral closure of B in L^1. Let K'_1 be the normal closure of K_1/K (Fields, Lemma 9.16.3). Since A is complete and the residue field of A is algebraically closed we see that K'_1/K_1 is separable and totally ramified with respect to A_1 (some details omitted). Hence K'_1/K is a weak solution for A \to B^1 as well by Lemma 15.115.3. In other words, we may and do assume that K_1 is a normal extension of K. Having done so we consider the sequence
L^0_1 = (L^0 \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} \subset L^1_1 = (L^1 \otimes _ K K_1)_{red} \subset \ldots \subset L^ r_1 = (L^ r \otimes _ K K_1)_{red}
and the corresponding integral closures B^ i_1. Note that C_1 = B^ r_1 is a product of discrete valuation rings which are transitively permuted by G = \text{Aut}(K_1/K) by Lemma 15.115.6. In particular all the extensions of discrete valuation rings A_1 \to (C_1)_\mathfrak m are isomorphic and a weak solution for one will be a weak solution for all of them. We can apply the induction hypothesis to the sequence
A_1 \to (B^1_1)_{B^1_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to (B^2_1)_{B^2_1 \cap \mathfrak m} \to \ldots \to (B^ r_1)_{B^ r_1 \cap \mathfrak m} = (C_1)_\mathfrak m
to get a weak solution K_2/K_1 for A_1 \to (C_1)_\mathfrak m. The extension K_2/K will then be a weak solution for A \to C by what we said before. Note that the induction hypothesis applies: the ring map A_1 \to (B^1_1)_{B^1_1 \cap \mathfrak m} is weakly unramified by our choice of K_1 and the sequence of fraction field extensions each still have one of the properties (a), (b), (c), or (d) listed above. Moreover, observe that for any finite extension \kappa _ B \subset \kappa we still have k = \bigcap \kappa ^{p^ n}.
Thus everything boils down to finding a weak solution for A \subset C when the field extension M/L satisfies one of the properties (a), (b), (c), or (d).
Case (d). This case is trivial as here B \to C is unramified already.
Case (c). Say M/L is cyclic of order n prime to p. Because M/L is totally ramified with respect to B we see that the ramification index of B \subset C is n and hence the ramification index of A \subset C is n as well. Choose a uniformizer \pi \in A and set K_1 = K[\pi ^{1/n}]. Then K_1/K is a solution for A \subset C by Abhyankar's lemma (Lemma 15.114.4).
Case (b). We divide this case into the mixed characteristic case and the equicharacteristic case. In the equicharacteristic case this is Lemma 15.115.12. In the mixed characteristic case, we first replace K by a finite extension to get to the situation where M/L is a degree p extension of finite level using Lemma 15.115.15. Then the level is a rational number l \in [0, p), see discussion preceding Lemma 15.115.16. If the level is 0, then B \to C is weakly unramified and we're done. If not, then we can replacing the field K by a finite extension to obtain a new situation with level l' \leq \max (0, l - 1, 2l - p) by Lemma 15.115.16. If l = p - \epsilon for \epsilon < 1 then we see that l' \leq p - 2\epsilon . Hence after a finite number of replacements we obtain a case with level \leq p - 1. Then after at most p - 1 more such replacements we reach the situation where the level is zero.
Case (a) is Lemma 15.115.9. This is the only case where we possibly need a purely inseparable extension of K, namely, in case (2) of the statement of the lemma we win by adjoining a pth power of the element \pi . This finishes the proof of the lemma.
At this point we have collected all the lemmas we need to prove the main result of this section.
Theorem 15.115.18 (Epp). Let A \subset B be an extension of discrete valuation rings with fraction fields K \subset L. If the characteristic of \kappa _ A is p > 0, assume that every element of
\bigcap \nolimits _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}
is separable algebraic over \kappa _ A. Then there exists a finite extension K_1/K which is a weak solution for A \to B as defined in Definition 15.115.1.
If the characteristic of \kappa _ A is zero or if the residue characteristic is p, the ramification index is prime to p, and the residue field extension is separable, then this follows from Abhyankar's lemma (Lemma 15.114.4). Namely, suppose the ramification index is e. Choose a uniformizer \pi \in A. Let K_1/K be the extension obtained by adjoining an eth root of \pi . By Lemma 15.114.2 we see that the integral closure A_1 of A in K_1 is a discrete valuation ring with ramification index over A. Thus A_1 \to (B_1)_\mathfrak m is formally smooth in the \mathfrak m-adic topology for all maximal ideals \mathfrak m of B_1 by Lemma 15.114.4 and a fortiori these are weakly unramified extensions of discrete valuation rings.
From now on we let p be a prime number and we assume that \kappa _ A has characteristic p. We first apply Lemma 15.115.5 to reduce to the case that A and B have separably closed residue fields. Since \kappa _ A and \kappa _ B are replaced by their separable algebraic closures by this procedure we see that we obtain
\kappa _ A \supset \bigcap \nolimits _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}
from the condition of the theorem.
Let \pi \in A be a uniformizer. Let A^\wedge and B^\wedge be the completions of A and B. We have a commutative diagram
\xymatrix{ B \ar[r] & B^\wedge \\ A \ar[u] \ar[r] & A^\wedge \ar[u] }
of extensions of discrete valuation rings. Let K^\wedge be the fraction field of A^\wedge . Suppose that we can find a finite extension M/K^\wedge which is (a) a weak solution for A^\wedge \to B^\wedge and (b) a compositum of a separable extension and an extension obtained by adjoining a p-power root of \pi . Then by Lemma 15.113.2 we can find a finite extension K_1/K such that K^\wedge \otimes _ K K_1 = M. Let A_1, resp. A_1^\wedge be the integral closure of A, resp. A^\wedge in K_1, resp. M. Since A \to A^\wedge is formally smooth in the \mathfrak m^\wedge -adic topology (Lemma 15.111.5) we see that A_1 \to A_1^\wedge is formally smooth in the \mathfrak m_1^\wedge -adic topology (Lemma 15.114.3 and A_1 and A_1^\wedge are discrete valuation rings by discussion in Remark 15.114.1). We conclude from Lemma 15.115.4 part (2) that K_1/K is a weak solution for A \to B^\wedge . Applying Lemma 15.115.4 part (1) we see that K_1/K is a weak solution for A \to B.
Thus we may assume A and B are complete discrete valuation rings with separably closed residue fields of characteristic p and with \kappa _ A \supset \bigcap \nolimits _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}. We are also given a uniformizer \pi \in A and we have to find a weak solution for A \to B which is a compositum of a separable extension and a field obtained by taking p-power roots of \pi . Note that the second condition is automatic if A has mixed characteristic.
Set k = \bigcap \nolimits _{n \geq 1} \kappa _ B^{p^ n}. Observe that k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. If A has mixed characteristic let \Lambda be a Cohen ring for k and in the equicharacteristic case set \Lambda = k[[t]]. We can choose a ring map \Lambda \to A which maps t to \pi in the equicharacteristic case. In the equicharacteristic case this follows from the Cohen structure theorem (Algebra, Theorem 10.160.8) and in the mixed characteristic case this follows as \mathbf{Z}_ p \to \Lambda is formally smooth in the adic topology (Lemmas 15.111.5 and 15.37.5). Applying Lemma 15.115.4 we see that it suffices to prove the existence of a weak solution for \Lambda \to B which in the equicharacteristic p case is a compositum of a separable extension and a field obtained by taking p-power roots of t. However, since \Lambda = k[[t]] in the equicharacteristic case and any extension of k((t)) is such a compositum, we can now drop this requirement!
Thus we arrive at the situation where A and B are complete, the residue field k of A is algebraically closed of characteristic p > 0, we have k = \bigcap \kappa _ B^{p^ n}, and in the mixed characteristic case p is a uniformizer of A (i.e., A is a Cohen ring for k). If A has mixed characteristic choose a Cohen ring \Lambda for \kappa _ B and in the equicharacteristic case set \Lambda = \kappa _ B[[t]]. Arguing as above we may choose a ring map A \to \Lambda lifting k \to \kappa _ B and mapping a uniformizer to a uniformizer. Since k \subset \kappa _ B is separable the ring map A \to \Lambda is formally smooth in the adic topology (Lemma 15.111.5). Hence we can find a ring map \Lambda \to B such that the composition A \to \Lambda \to B is the given ring map A \to B (see Lemma 15.37.5). Since \Lambda and B are complete discrete valuation rings with the same residue field, B is finite over \Lambda (Algebra, Lemma 10.96.12). This reduces us to the special case discussed in Lemma 15.115.17.
Comments (2)
Comment #3000 by Dino Lorenzini on
Comment #3123 by Johan on