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82 Chow Groups of Spaces
Section 82.1: Introduction
Section 82.2: Setup
Section 82.3: Cycles
Section 82.4: Multiplicities
Section 82.5: Cycle associated to a closed subspace
Section 82.6: Cycle associated to a coherent sheaf
Section 82.7: Preparation for proper pushforward
Section 82.8: Proper pushforward
Section 82.9: Preparation for flat pullback
Section 82.10: Flat pullback
Section 82.11: Push and pull
Section 82.12: Preparation for principal divisors
Section 82.13: Principal divisors
Section 82.14: Principal divisors and pushforward
Section 82.15: Rational equivalence
Section 82.16: Rational equivalence and push and pull
Section 82.17: The divisor associated to an invertible sheaf
Section 82.18: Intersecting with an invertible sheaf
Section 82.19: Intersecting with an invertible sheaf and push and pull
Section 82.20: The key formula
Section 82.21: Intersecting with an invertible sheaf and rational equivalence
Section 82.22: Intersecting with effective Cartier divisors
Section 82.23: Gysin homomorphisms
Section 82.24: Relative effective Cartier divisors
Section 82.25: Affine bundles
Section 82.26: Bivariant intersection theory
Section 82.27: Projective space bundle formula
Section 82.28: The Chern classes of a vector bundle
Section 82.29: Polynomial relations among Chern classes
Section 82.30: Additivity of Chern classes
Section 82.31: The splitting principle
Section 82.32: Degrees of zero cycles